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GamerGate - "Btw,please donate to me because I'm a victim!"

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That isn’t what you said.
what you said that got everyone in a tizzy,

and I quote: “not a coincidence that it’s ALWAYS men and boys committing mass shootings.”

you see, the ALWAYS part wasn’t uppercased in your tweet, but i felt that since you didn’t get it, I highlighted the reason why you’re getting angry messages from people.

you then went on to say: “the pattern is connected to ideas of toxic masculinity in our culture.”

what the fuck does that even mean, anyway? oh, so masculinity is the problem? I highly doubt that. you’re not gonna bring attention to the fact the existing mental problems of shooters? you’re gonna twist the words to your own ends? oh, wait, that's rhetorical, BECAUSE YOU JUST FUCKING DID.

anyone curious, here’s the twitter link so you know i’m not spouting bullshit like Anita is.

and here’s an archive link so she can’t just mass delete her tweets.

educate yourself so you can see past con-people like Anita.


You know, a few days ago, I'll be honest, I faltered a bit.

I began to question the motives of this movement. I began to question whether or not I was truly on the right side of history. I began to question the very foundations of my mental process, and my ability to think critically and discern right from wrong. A good friend of mine reassured me that whatever the movement is seen to be associated with is irrelevant. That the actions and ideas held by not the movement, but ME are what is important.
And with that I realized: the idea that we're associated with misogyny, although plausible, must be immediately called in to question. Why does it matter that the money that TFYC got came from the so called "cathedral of misogyny?" As long as the money did not come from illegitimate sources (meaning, it was not stolen) then why does it matter? That money STILL goes to help women get in to gaming. That money still goes to help colon cancer. In this case, actions truly do speak louder than words. Why would we donate to a cause which goes in the opposite direction of our supposed rhetoric?
The answer is we wouldn't.

Anita, I do not respect you. I do not respect you because you've belittled what many, myself included, consider to be a tragedy. And though even to the end of this sentence I still wish you no harm, I am absolutely disgusted by you.


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