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Italian Brainrot / AI Italian Animals image and meme examples.

Italian Brainrot / AI Italian Animals

Mateus Lima

Mateus Lima • 12 days ago

Tralalero Tralala meme example.

Tralalero Tralala

Sakshi Rakshale

Sakshi Rakshale • about a month ago

Studio Ghibli AI Generator image example depicting disaster girl.

Studio Ghibli AI Generator

Sakshi Rakshale

Sakshi Rakshale • 5 days ago

The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile meme examples depicting two pictures of a black Dodge Challenger car.

The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile

Mateus Lima

Mateus Lima • 10 days ago

The Interrogation of Stephen McDaniel

The Interrogation of Stephen McDaniel

5 years ago

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As someone who's had to do statistics till I puked in school I've got to say: that rebuttal is well done.
I STILL want to know what they count as postive and negative exactly. If I said: "I don't like Nathan Grayson because of his attitude" is this already negative? Or do I have to say that he's an ass? Even that is harmless, really.

Another thing: WHY for crying out loud is Quinn still relevant? And are those REALLY the only 3 women in video gaming? Obviously not but in the original article no other female devs were mentioned and I'm 100% positive there are some active on twitter….did THEY get harassment? The probability is very low.
The whole statistic they made is crap and when you create these statistics you got to cite your sources and detail the way you make the statistic.

w+1 ftw
w+1 ftw

I was about to point out the bullshit of using a statistical study where the value of a variable (sentiment) is determinated by subjectivity, without even specifying the criteria used , but thankfully the second article had me covered.

Here are the links mentioned btw

Article: https://archive.today/3Q8yo
Rebuttal: https://medium.com/@cainejw/an-actual-statistical-analysis-of-gamergate-dfd809858f68


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