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Naruto - NaruHina vs NaruSaku results explained

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This is one of the best things I found on Fridge Brilliance Naruto Page at Tv tropes about Naruhina:

"For those of you who believe Kishimoto was actually intending on Hinata being Naruto's love interest from the beginning, there's one interesting point that supports this: at the start of the series, Naruto was loud, brash, obnoxious, full of himself, not nearly as good as he thought he was and honestly rather dumb, a perfect example of an Idiot Hero. As a result, pretty much no-one in Konoha thought anything of him or his abilities, Kyuubi aside. But he was still the protagonist of the series so we the readers got to see his good points- his courage, determination, loyalty, perserverence, stubbornness and refusal to quit in the face of adversity. These are the very same traits that Hinata always admired him for. In a sense, Hinata was the only character in the entire series perceptive enough to appreciate Naruto's good points the same way the reader is meant to, which is why she's the only character in his age group who accepts him from the beginning."


in reply to Papaluigi3000

What I hate about the NaruSaku fan's arguments is that they end it with Naruto being with Sakura way longer than Hinata and that's why they should be together.

Well hello?! They're in Team 7. IN A TEAM. Had Hinata been in the team instead of Sakura, then it would have been 100% certain that she would end up with Naruto. Sakura on the otherhand would still focus on Sasuke and Naruto forgetting all about her while being more engaged with Hinata and his rivalry with Sasuke. But we all know Kishimoto didn't want to make this about romance, despite saying that he acknowledged Hinata to be a better female lead than Sakura.

That being said, it all ends with the last movie.


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