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Couldn'tve happened to a more deserving prick.

Ryulong, if you ever read this know that you brought this on yourself and no one has any sympathy for you. I don't know if it's more annoying or pathetic that your mission in life seems to be to inflict your bias on as many people as possible – most of them now uninformed due to your blatant lies – All I know is that if you end up banned from Wikipedia entirely, you'll have to find something else to devote your sad life to.

Pic related.

>He's an editor.
>On an online encyclopedia
>He does it for free
>He takes his “job” very seriously
>He does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>He reverts changes he doesn’t like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>He deletes sources he doesn’t like because they interfere with the narrative of biased bullshit that anyone who looked into the facts would see is a lie
>He will never have a real job
>He will never move out of his parent’s house
>He will never be at a healthy weight
>He will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>He will never have a girlfriend
>He will never have any friends


in reply to adregun

David Auerbach is a writer for Slate, Ryūlóng deliberately misquoted a different writers article to try to make Auerbach look like he was blaming "women in tech" for Gamer-Gate's "harassment".

Auerbach tried to get him to correct it, but he and the rest of the 5 horsemen just flung insults. So Auerbach went to Jimbo Wales who told them they needed to know that off (Jimbo is very sensitive to lawsuits).

The rest started backpedaling at the speed of light, but Ryūlóng thought doubling-down would work better.

The result is here.


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