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Tivictus (Zinnia is my Waifu)
Tivictus (Zinnia is my Waifu)

It's kinda sad how accurate this is.

I put a crap ton of hours into all these games, especially X. And now, I'm basically moving on. Mario Kart might get some love down the road with that second DLC pack, and maybe more. I kinda doomed my copy of Smash 4 on the 3DS by downloading it, because that thing's gotten to the point where I can't download anything else on the SD card. Even after deleting everything on it. And X, I'm probably never going to touch again once I trade all my pokemon over to Hoenn.

I'll pay my respects. Together, these three cost me 140$. And I'll say this much… they were indeed worth it.


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