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I can't even imagine what the fandom outrage at Amethyst would be for her stunt in "Maximum Capacity" if we hadn't learned first from "On the Run" that she's a self-hating mess under high-pressure.

I was wondering if the show would ever address if there was any sort of tension between the Crystal Gems and Greg from losing Rose Quartz to the birth of Steven. I mean, did Rose let the CG's know that she wouldn't survive Steven's birth and that she hoped they accepted her decision? Did Rose only let the more mature members of the group know, fearing that Amethyst (who she probably shared an almost maternal bond with) wouldn't understand? There's a lot of stuff we still don't know about interactions during that time period.

I almost worry that the writers went too far, as Amethyst's actions come out as tormenting poor Greg and undoubtedly made her lose a lot of fans. But the central thesis of Steven Universe seems to be that everyone (human or superpowered alien) is flawed and will preform actions that seem heartless or selfish, based only on their personal short-sighted motivations; it's when they realize they've done wrong and what they do to apologize afterwards that serves as the marker for who they truly are.

Man, one of these days, I hope to watch a show without overanalyzing the themes, relationships, backstories, mythology, motivations, etc. But Steven Universe is not that show. And neither is Gravity Falls.


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