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Holy hell a great addition to the character, and a new take on gem fusion.

She sees herself as the conversation of her two halves. A synergy of parts that makes a greater whole. And she is just plain in love with herself. Actualization, and a nice metaphor for relationships as well.


in reply to Icecane

Her song seems to imply that they are a synergy. Passion and patience.

But I think we can see when things get out of synch at times. Usually when the glasses come off and we see an expression. Like when she lets steven know about her future vision (ruby and saphire might have done that without entirely agreeing eachother on the matter) or when she finds out about Lapis (and we see her get pissed).

On another note- do you think the fusion and the future vision contribute to her social awkwardness? I mean, you have several view points trying to decide what to say, and then future vision mapping out every dialogue option (conversations are much, much more complex than 'smash with fist', which could lead to a degree of overload)


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