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GamerGate - Rebuild Initiative - letter to GravTech Games

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"To the developers at GravTech Games, I have been a gamer for a lot of years, about thirty I guess, and I've seen our hobby go through a great deal of change for the better. Unfortunately we've been seeing some setbacks recently in the form of non-gamer ideologies and a corrupt media making the industry more about making the 'right kind of games,' and judgement based on who you know rather than merit. Our industry has always been one of the most inclusive and diverse out there but now the myth is being spread, again, that gamers are dangerous and hateful. I am a supporter of the online revolt to expose that corrupt media. I want an environment where you can make the art, games, that you want without political or idealogical pressure. I want an industry where you judged on merit and skill, not who you know in the press. I want an industry where you can speak out about your art without worrying about censorship or calls to suppress your games in the market. Most of all I want to rebuild the bridges between developers and gamers. I want to thank you for all your hard work, without devs making games there would be no us. Keep up the hard work, we have your six. Thanks, Trever"

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