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''half-moon'' bubba
''half-moon'' bubba

Those aren't necessarly rape jokes, but they're becoming a problem: You see, the androphobic über-egocentric narcist pseudo-feminist SJW's _heavily_abuses the use of terms like rape or trassexual or cishet ( someone that is cisgender/cissexual and heterosexual) and their meanings in the "arguments" they "spit", then the trolls impersonating the archetypal snowflake "tumblrinas" spread those half-assed "arguments" or make their own, degrading the image of what they "defend" (ex: LGBT[Q], gender equality, sexual abuse &c), then those things get trivialised and their defense becomes meaningless; rape culture exists and it's nothing like, i dunno, "cultural marxism" («the zionist gay "necrophillic" commies are coming afsdaa!1!!!»), yet a couple of jokes in the form «[something] promotes [something that rimes with rape] culture» aren't necessarly that trivialisation that I spoke of.


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