Back in the times of dial-up I had some software that turned pictures into ASCII art, which was meant to be spammed on IRC. It ran pretty fast (could see shit getting done in a minute, tops, on a 100 MHz dinosaur).
Once in a while I would google for it for a while, and everything I would find turned pictures into ASCII… then turn them back into a picture so you could save it. WHY. (I knew better google-fu and scavenging, or just using MPlayer on Linux and piping the result would give me what I intended, but it wouldn't be worth the trouble. Plus downloading and running a shit ton of single-purpose executables is a sure way of making your Windows box even shittier than usual)
Now, after more than a decade, those wonders are finally available on the first page (first result, even) of a fairly simple Google search, and in the form of web app.
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Apr 05, 2015 at 10:35PM EDT
Apr 06, 2015 at 01:08AM EDT