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There needs to be people more like Steven and less people like, well… me, huh.

Self-loathing aside, I would rather have a fandom that does not take itself seriously at all and just has mindless fun, than one that puts itself as a "cultural phenomenon" or proclaims itself as "changing the definition of masculinity". Pretentiousness is never a good thing.

I feel like my experience with MLP, the show itself not the fandom, has dwindled because I think too much into it, expect so much of it. i used to watch it knowing its for little kids but its still mature enough to be enjoyed by older audiences, and while I had an, at best, OK experience with MLP, not anything unique or mind-blowing, it was still fun to watch for the most part. Now I'm a cynical complaining douchebag about it most of time, and I wish I got that mindless enjoyment back.


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