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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

I honestly keep forgetting a Suicide Squad movie is happening. Apparently Will Smith is Deadshot, and this will be the official live action movie debut of Harley Quinn. I did notice the official cast list doesn't mention anyone for Deathstroke though (would be amusing having a movie starring the character Rob Liefeld admits to ripping off the same year as the Deadpool movie [yeah no joke, Liefeld admitted that his version of Deadpool was just a Deathstroke ripoff, they didn't even try and hide with Deadpool's real name "Wade Wilson" just being a slight alteration of Deathstroke's real name, Slade Wilson]).

The tattooed Joker look for Jared Leto's Joker makes me think this one's going to be a younger incarnation of the character, probably one who had a rough childhood and over time this helped contribute to him going insane (depends on if this is an original backstory for the movie or one taken from the comics). I'll just wait for a trailer to get an idea of how he performs as Joker, since, say it with me now: people thought Heath Ledger was an "odd choice" too years ago, and now his Joker is regarded as one of the most iconic incarnations alongside Mark Hamill and Jack Nicholson's Jokers.


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