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NEWS FLASH. While no attempt made by humans is ever perfect, Western society has tried really hard to bring equality (or at least, equality of opportunity) to both sexes. Maybe the reason that a woman doesn't identify as a feminist is because they understand things like voter rights and equal pay laws have long since been passed and today's feminists tend to worry over first world problems. Maybe if you took the fight to the Middle East and certain parts of Africa and Asia, you wouldn't have the image problem you have.

If you still need more reasons as to why people, including women (hell, especially women) don't want anything to do with feminism, I got some videos if you got the time.

TLDW: A lot of feminists blame men and an imaginary, omnipresent "Patriarchy" for their problems instead of their own life choices, including their attitudes to men and women who don't think like them, their own lack of ambition, and their poor choice in college degrees instead of getting something in a STEM field.


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