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Anita Sarkeesian - According to Anita, pregnant women shouldn't run away from danger

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Tweet Rebuttal #1: As opposed to jumping directly into the danger, and possibly causing herself and the child she is carrying bodily harm…for absolutely no reason at all, I might add, considering there is a guy with a fire extinguisher who seems to be taking care of it.

It almost seems like Fallout Shelter implies women should keep themselves safe in the (I’m assuming here, looking at her size) weeks prior to a expectant mother giving birth, so that she avoid undue stress and concentrate on delivering a healthy happy baby. Wait, that sounds kind of like something we already have…oh MATERNITY LEAVE that’s right.

Considering keeping the Vault safe from danger like fire, raiders, radroaches etc. is part of the JOB of evey Vault dweller, the right to “run away from danger flailing their arms” can be classified as expectant mothers expressing their right to maternity leave…as well as sanity and empathy towards an unborn child…you MONSTER.

Also, look at Vault Boy in the corner. He agrees with me.


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