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Satoru Iwata - Satoru Iwata's Rainbow Road To Heaven

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Walrus the Tree
Walrus the Tree

I like to believe everything happens for a reason, and it's usually a pretty good reason. Even when some people think it's just a coincidence, I think there's got to be a connection, and maybe we don't see it because it takes greater eyes than ours.
That being said, I was just trying to relax and take a break from some slightly procrastinated summer work when this brick hit me in the face. Jesus Christ.
Now I'm real upset, but I know that even though he had a gift with games, if there was anything else for him to give us, God wouldn't have made him go so soon. Sometimes it seems like those who pass on young could have done so much more had they lived to be older, but life is not something God takes lightly, and he would never end it unless the time was right. Death is never out of place, only denial is.
Sorry for the God-talk. Don't mean to upset any non-religious people, just giving my view.


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