112 Views Created 10 years ago By Jasonafex • Updated about a year ago

Created By Jasonafex • Updated about a year ago

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EVERY Let's Player EVER

Origin Entry: Let's Play


Face-cam segments were recorded in post over the course of a few days, sometimes it was dark/light-source wasn't turned on, leading so some fuzzy greenscreen results. The best time to use a greenscreen is during daylight with at least two light-sources.

Impersonations are purely for parody purposes, I'm not trying to attack any particular channel and I hope everyone doesn't mind being a part of the fun. If all goes well, let your favourite Youtuber know of the logo download pack below and challenge them to do their own gags of either friends or known persona's: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53320316/YoutubeStuff/YoutubeLetsplayLogoPack.rar


Everyone sounds Australian w--. Order of appearance: 1.) Northernlion 00:22 2.) CinnamonToastKen 01:18 3.) Peanut Butter Gamer 01:53 4.) OneyG 02:42 5.) Brutalmoose 03:11 6.) Smosh Games (Ian & Anthony) 03:41 7.) TotalBiscuit 04:16 8.) Game Grumps (Ego & Dan) 05:00 9.) Tobuscus 05:56 10.) Caddicarus 06:31 11.) PewDiePie 07:09 12.)

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