7873 Views Created January 01, 2015 By ObamasLostSon • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By ObamasLostSon • Updated March 23, 2023

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Guptill89's Top 10 Hottest Female Sonic Characters (Uncut)

Origin Entry: Sonic the Hedgehog


SPECIAL NOTES: I've decided as a bit of a Happy New Year celebration, I'll post this old video. If this is still relevant, happy 2015. If not, still enjoy the video.
DISCLAIMER: Please do not go on the YouTube comment section and type stuff like “I found this video on KnowYourMeme!” Or “KnowYourMeme brought me here!” It gives a bad impression towards this website, and people don’t want to read about how you discovered this video. So if you want to post a comment on the YouTube page, please be courteous to other YouTube users and refrain from saying how you found this video on KnowYourMeme. Users on 9gag have done this before, and people on YouTube got very tired of it. Please don’t give YouTube users a bigger headache, please?
WHAT I HAVE TO SAY: This video has an interesting back-story. Let me explain: A few years ago, A YouTube user who goes by guptill89 posted a video called the Top 10 Hottest Female Sonic Characters. It was highly panned for the content of judging Sonic the Hedgehog characters through sex appeal, having a young character(around 8 years old) as one of the top 10 picks, and even the reasons why these characters were chosen were heavily criticized. You can find the video here. NOTE: Please don't tell about how you found this video on KnowYourMeme in the YouTube comments section, please? Also, the linked video can be a bit…unsettling. Please watch at your own risk. Anyway, as you can predict, there were harsh comments on the video and even video commentaries criticizing the video. It went so out of hand that guptill89 uploaded a remake. However, there was one video that stood out….to an extent. From ObamasLostSon, here is a parody of the controversial video. Yes, it's a parody. ObamasLostSon even said it in the YouTube comment section of this video. Take a look. It should be there. Either way, the video is a bit hit or miss. But it mostly hits, and it hits quite nicely. One more thing: look out for 1:03-1:09, 1:43-1:48, 2:15-2:21, 3:04-3:10, 4:03-4:13, 5:12-5:19, 6:00-6:07, 6:31-6:39, and 6:50-6:57. Those moments are why…this video is NSFW.

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