1803 Views Created August 18, 2015 By MegaBots Inc • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By MegaBots Inc • Updated March 23, 2023

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Ladies. Gentlemen. AMERICANS! It is time to answer the primordial calling of our people. A challenge has appeared, the likes of which has not been seen since the 1940s. An engineering feat of technical prowess and mechanical badassery to rival that of the moon landing. Robot fights. ROBOT. FIGHTS. It is every America's solemn duty to chip in a bit to this glorious campaign, so that robot fighting tournaments become a thing. BECAUSE THAT IS THE AMERICA OF MY DREAMS! THAT IS A THE AMERICA OF YOUR DREAMS! AN AMERICA WHERE MEN ARE ABLE TO BUILD A MURDER-BOT BY THE SWEAT OF THEIR OWN BROWS, CLIMB IN IT, AND PUMMEL A MURDER-BOT MADE BY THE JAPANESE!
So, chip in some money or something, and make all our dreams come true. For the America that you believe in.


MegaBots, Inc. has spent the past month and a half assembling an unbelievable crew to take on Suidobashi Heavy Industries in the giant robot duel. Grant Imahara, the founders of BattleBots, Peter Diamandis, NASA, Autodesk, Howe & Howe Technologies, IHMC and FonCo Creative Solutions have banded together with MegaBots to build the most American robot ever to take down Japan!!

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