87 Views Created August 28, 2017 By 2B Liceo Artistico Brotzu • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By 2B Liceo Artistico Brotzu • Updated March 23, 2023

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The end of 2B Liceo Brotzu


As the biennal course end for the "B" class of the Liceo Artistico Brotzu, some of the people of the class will leave.
One of the students, which already started the meme channel of the class and recently watched Evangelion, decided to say goodbye to some of his class companions with a last video (for now).
"Mincheguaddu", as stated on the end, is a sardinian dialect word which translates literally in "Horse C---"


Protagonisti: Tutto. Questo é l'ultimo video che caricheremo da 2B come classe. Lo smistamento affettera le classi, ma la maggior parte di studenti sarà nella stessa classe, perciò perderemo un paio di protagonisti (forse.) Comunque, Grazie(llah) di tutto a tutti.

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