24 Views • Created August 10, 2021 By Las Vegas Locally 🌴 • Updated August 11, 2021 Share →
Created By Las Vegas Locally 🌴 • Updated August 11, 2021
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Ladies and Gentlememes, American """"food"""".
The infamous 'Fat Baby' from Amano Las Vegas. You know you want one. pic.twitter.com/C6bEdOzfs0
— Las Vegas Locally 🌴 (@LasVegasLocally) August 10, 2021
Origin Entry:
Bone Apple Tea
If this was just bread and noodles (and in a PLATE that didn't spill everywhere), I \MIGHT have considered being willing to give it a small chance.
The ENTIRE BONED CHICKEN stopped that chance dead in it's tracks while that weird ass swamp juice made it nauseous and run away.
That thing is way, way, WAY too fat to be a baby.
The infamous 'Fat Baby' from Amano Las Vegas. You know you want one. pic.twitter.com/C6bEdOzfs0
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