569 Views Created June 13, 2022 By Drawing bug • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Drawing bug • Updated March 23, 2023

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TFW Your Anti-ATGM System Does Nothing

Origin Entry: Terrified Noot Noot


Story by u/kimpoiot

Shtora thinks father tank was painted with a westoid TOW's laser rangefinder

Shtora says "Ha! Foolish westoids I will make you blind to your TOW's buttflare!"

Shtora flashes red eyes at approaching TOW while father tank moves fast

Shtora notices TOW is still bearing down on father tank, red eyes intensifies

Shtora nervously notices TOW is still very much bearing on father tank

Shtora realizes approaching missile has no buttflare and therefore not TOW

Shtora notices that they are painted by a weird grid of laser light, "Oh no!"

Shtora quickly tells father tank, "papa missile no es TOW, es Stugna!"

Shtora listens to father as father says, "mi hija, papa is gonna die from this proyectil, but dont worry, you will go to the great cielo azul"

Shtora screams "Nein vater!" as missiles impact side skirts in line with papas ammo storage

Shtora feels winds rushing by at great speed, just like being in "storage" in Siberia with blizzard

Shtora looks down at see papa's beturreted hull being left behind, "Ah, this is what papa said"

Shtora tumbles as the power feed is quickly losing power, making the sky visible

Shtora says one last time looking at the clear blue sky, "Cielo azul…."

Shtora crashes back down to earth, never again making westoids blind to buttflares…


flipaclip #플리파클립 #warthunder #animation #nootnoot

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