4434 Views Created April 26, 2012 • Updated June 13, 2013

Created • Updated June 13, 2013

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World's Largest Simultaneous Flashmob feat. Alfonso Ribeiro | ViSalus Flash Mob - Hollywood CA

Origin Entry: Flash Mob


http://visalus.com – The same exact dance, on the same exact day, the same exact time, in hundreds of cities across United States and Canada. The World's Largest Simultaneous Flash Mob!

On April 21, 2012 we made history with the World's Largest Simultaneous Flash Mob. More than 2000 dancers in hundreds of cities met to do the Carlton dance, lead by none other than Alfonso Ribeiro himself. At noon PDT flash mobs across the country performed the dance made famous by Carlton Banks on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to promote the Body by Vi Challenge, America's fastest growing weight loss and fitness Challenge.

To see video from some of the cities the Carlton Dance flash mob went down: http://www.youtube.com/video_response_view_all?v=DSAel3SWtKo


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