115 Views Created January 14, 2013 By soundlyawake • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By soundlyawake • Updated March 23, 2023

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I'm A Feminist Because...

Origin Entry: Who Needs Feminism?


Not directly related to the exact "Why I need feminism" campaign/meme.

However, it is tangentially related to the basic subject of why or why not someone is a feminism or needs feminism as an influence on society. And there's a severe lack of videos pertaining to this topic. So I figured this would be a good start.


TRANSCRIPT: So I was reading comments on one of my videos on my NicolaFoti channel, which is a beauty channel. Some of you may be saying, "Why do you have a beauty channel; you're a boy," and that's the exact point of this video. Why?

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