176 Views • Created February 21, 2014 By olinerd • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By olinerd • Updated March 23, 2023
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Boston Dynamics Big Dog (new video March 2008)
Origin Entry:
Boston Dynamics
I don't know whether it's the vaguely-organic yet malformed-looking legs like something from Silent Hill, the incessant buzzing, or some combination of all these and more but there's something inherently nasty about this robot.
Also, this bastard packs a double-whammy of being skin-crawlingly creepy and invincible, or at least impossible to knock down.
Just imagine this monstrosity coming at you across a post-apocalyptic landscape, covered in blood, packing a Gatling gun turret and making that awful buzzing noise like a giant mosquito from hell.
Boston Dynamics just released a new video of the Big Dog on ice and snow, and also demoing its walking gait.
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