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Created By Cheshire Cat Studios • Updated March 23, 2023

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Ultimate Deadpool: The Ideal Merc With a Mouth?


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Published on Aug 23, 2013

The Cheshire Cat Studios crew share their dissatisfaction with the two most recent adaptations of everyone's favorite "Merc With the Mouth" ("Deadpool: The Video Game" & "Ultimate Spider-Man") in an attempt to raise awareness of how "Marvel" is doing its hardest to transmute a loveable, fourth-wall breaking underdog into a boisterous, Internet meme-spouting cartoon character in an attempt to appeal to the ADHD crowd.

We begin by dissecting "Deadpool: The Video Game" and how it has proven that Deadpool should never be the centerpiece of the story he's in and then proceed to extrapolate what elements make the character so appealing, share our favorite Deadpool moments, and specify what steps need to be taken to create an 'ideal' Deadpool movie -- which, after the overwhelmingly negative reception of "Deadpool: The Video Game", we may never get to see, for better worse.

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The Cheshire Cat Studios crew share their dissatisfaction with the two most recent adaptations of everyone's favorite "Merc With the Mouth" ("Deadpool: The Video Game" & "Ultimate Spider-Man") in an attempt to raise awareness of how "Marvel" is doing its hardest to transmute a loveable, fourth-wall breaking underdog into a boisterous, Internet meme-spouting cartoon character in an attempt to appeal to the ADHD crowd.

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