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Let's All Be Philosophers

Last posted Sep 11, 2013 at 05:35PM EDT. Added Sep 04, 2013 at 12:35AM EDT
32 posts from 24 users

What's your general view of the world? The human race? What's the meaning of life? Is there one? Where are we all going? Is there truly such a thing as right and wrong? How do we define that?
Nothing's off limits. Be clear, but far more important than that, be unique. Nothing here can be 2deep4us.

So I'm an atheist. I was catholic once, but after reading Sophie's World it took me about a year to change my ways of thinking. And on a side note, the book doesn't encourage anyone to be an atheist. In fact, the characters are mostly christians/catholics.
Back on topic, my father once got in a small discussion with my little brother. He had missed church a lot of times for sleeping up too late. And after a couple of lectures, he said something among the lines of "Sometimes, faith in God is the only thing that keeps me going."
This made me remember a video of a certain atheist vlogger who uploads a monthly video answering stupid questions from and FB.
So, one of those questions were something similar. "Don't you think having no god is like having no point in life?"
The answer doesn't matter, but here's the thing: Independently of your beliefs, what are we aiming for? We have goals, but once we acomplish them, what are we going to do? Try and live life randomly? But that would be risky, right?
So, wouldn't there be a point where we get tired of our lives?

But I'm just an 18YO fag, so this question might be a bit dumb. I'm just a little scared because I'm on that part where I don't know if I'm going to study or work.

Economic philosophy:

Something that is a mix of Socialism and Communism, working on a name and a proper description for what my philosophy entails.

Governmental philosophy:

Reverse-Democratic Meritocracy. Instead of voting leaders IN to office, you vote officials OUT of office. Organizers are appointed by a Head Organizer after being presented a contract detailing their responsibilities as an Organizer. Organizers can be voted out of office by a general vote of the district that an Organizer presides over. The Head Organizer can be voted out of office by vote, and a new one is elected should the need arise.

Social Philosophy:

Everything done should be for the betterment of the community and your society as a whole. With the betterment of the peer comes the betterment of the self.

I believe in the policy of Exploration; If I were in charge of the US, for example, I'd be cutting military funding to a strictly defensive force and personally managing and organizing a campaign to colonise Mars.

I believe in the philosophy of starting with a clean slate every now and then. Take an as objective look as possible, and build the best set of rules and systems that would work for the situation.

I support the idea of making each and every community on the planet as self-sustaining as possible. Communities should grow their own food and make their own tools, if possible, and should only import what cannot be produced on-site.

Ecological philosophy:

The economy of any nation and the resource usage policies need to be based around sustainability and longevity. I strongly support nuclear and solar power, but not so much wind power.

Landfills wouldn't exist in my ideal society, as all resources would be recycled or reused in one way or another.

Last edited Sep 04, 2013 at 05:32PM EDT

xTSGx wrote:

What truly is reality and how do you know it's not simply an illusion created by the mind?

Everything is an illusion. Sound, color, feeling, scent, taste, all false things generated by the mind through the body to deal with an otherwise chaotic and unfathomable universe.

Cale wrote:

Everything is an illusion. Sound, color, feeling, scent, taste, all false things generated by the mind through the body to deal with an otherwise chaotic and unfathomable universe.

I do not think it means what you think it means.
Sound: vibrations through the atmosphere
Color: the length of the photon waves that are reflected off an object as opposed to absorbed
Feeling: matter (specifically, it's electromagnetic field) interacting with our nerve endings
Scent: certain types of particles in the air interacting with specialized nerve cells in the nasal cavity
Taste: certain types of matter interacting with specialized nerve cells in the mouth and nose
It''s not about whether or not the things that cause these reactions exist, it's that our bodies have evolved to deliver information about them to our conscious minds in a certain way. It's all science, and we've gotten fairly good at it.
There'll always be doubt that our world isn't really "real", whatever the fuck that means. But as far as I'm concerned, Occam's razor pretty much takes care of that.

Sting, I have just one question for you.

You state that all resources would be recycled in some way…. But you also support nuclear power. As such, how do you propose to recycle the nuclear waste? Or is that an exception? (Which would make sense. The high level waste needs to be stored away for about 250,000 years after all, and needs 50 years to 'cool' BEFORE it can be stored.)

I definitely agree that an exploration policy would be good. Let's get back into space!


My inner scientist just flat-out rejects that one


This statement is false

@Sting and TARDISES

Perhaps Sting was referring to Nuclear Fusion power rather than Nuclear fission? And I definitely think solar power shows a lot of promise and should be developed further. I am aware of the current flaws and limitations that solar power has, but I also think that with more financial interest put into solar power research, we can iron out most of those flaws just as we already have with nuclear power.

Also recycling is hard, not everything can be feasibly recycled unless we find a way to break down matter down to a molecular level at little cost. I would simply say that everything that could be recycled should be recycled but landfills exist for everything else. However I also think landfills need to be reserved for non-toxic biodegradable materials only. Landfills aren't a problem as long as reusable or dangerous things aren't being dumped there and the land is re-developed afterwards

I would also support space exploration. But I'd throw money at improving conditions here at Earth first!

0.9999...=1 wrote:

I do not think it means what you think it means.
Sound: vibrations through the atmosphere
Color: the length of the photon waves that are reflected off an object as opposed to absorbed
Feeling: matter (specifically, it's electromagnetic field) interacting with our nerve endings
Scent: certain types of particles in the air interacting with specialized nerve cells in the nasal cavity
Taste: certain types of matter interacting with specialized nerve cells in the mouth and nose
It''s not about whether or not the things that cause these reactions exist, it's that our bodies have evolved to deliver information about them to our conscious minds in a certain way. It's all science, and we've gotten fairly good at it.
There'll always be doubt that our world isn't really "real", whatever the fuck that means. But as far as I'm concerned, Occam's razor pretty much takes care of that.

I don't think you understand what I mean to say. All these things are abstract and aren't "real" until certain information is picked up and interpreted by a bodily function.
Sound for example. Of course sound is caused by the reception of vibrations by the ear and interpreted, but sound and vibrations are not the same thing (One could argue the tree that falls). The former is an abstract sense, and the latter is a physical interaction of matter.
If "real" can mean "actually part of the universe", then the information received from the five senses isn't "real", even though they make up our entire ability to view and experience.

As an aside, when I say "chaotic and unfathomable", I rather mean in poorly worded way "try to describe something without hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, or tasting".


All these things are abstract and aren’t “real” until certain information is picked up and interpreted by a bodily function.

I'm assuming that what you are trying to say is that our human concepts of "sound", "scent", "taste" etc. aren't "real" as opposed to the physical aspects themselves, as our knowledge and understanding of reality merely comes down to how we personally come to identify and describe such things to ourselves in our own language. So such things won't "exist" to you in the induvidual sense until you have a method of perceiving them.

But reality itself does not exist according to human definitions. So this is not to say that things stop existing when we stop perceiving then

If you are trying to say that "sound", "scent", "taste" etc. physically don't exist unless perceived (which is how you came off originally, even if that was not your intent), then the reverse can be claimed to expose a paradox: You are abstract and aren't "real" until certain information is picked up and interpreted by the functions of other organisms in the same realm that you perceive, so nothing can be real at all. What you are left with is the fallacious claim: "You don't exist until I perceive you to exist" which is less philosophy and more egocentrism

Last edited Sep 05, 2013 at 10:24AM EDT

This cosmic dance of..
bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but..
if sweetness can win…
and it can…
then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday my friend.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:


All these things are abstract and aren’t “real” until certain information is picked up and interpreted by a bodily function.

I'm assuming that what you are trying to say is that our human concepts of "sound", "scent", "taste" etc. aren't "real" as opposed to the physical aspects themselves, as our knowledge and understanding of reality merely comes down to how we personally come to identify and describe such things to ourselves in our own language. So such things won't "exist" to you in the induvidual sense until you have a method of perceiving them.

But reality itself does not exist according to human definitions. So this is not to say that things stop existing when we stop perceiving then

If you are trying to say that "sound", "scent", "taste" etc. physically don't exist unless perceived (which is how you came off originally, even if that was not your intent), then the reverse can be claimed to expose a paradox: You are abstract and aren't "real" until certain information is picked up and interpreted by the functions of other organisms in the same realm that you perceive, so nothing can be real at all. What you are left with is the fallacious claim: "You don't exist until I perceive you to exist" which is less philosophy and more egocentrism

The first is closer, though we part at the idea individual interpretation. I wouldn't say it matters how one specifically deals with sensory information.

one of the bets quotes ive ever heard. a bit dark but it makes you think about how the human mind really works IMO.

"Sitting there in the dark, I had a chance to think about a lot of things, including the nature of the world itself. And after lengthy consideration, I realized something; when all is said and done, the world is a very unknowable place. On the surface, all appears rational, orderly. But what truly lies beyond that thin veneer of reason? Stability and superiority? Or chaos and madness? What are we truly made of in the end? Is there truly any meaning to the lives we lead? Or are we nothing but hollow vessels? These are questions we can never answer, for we cannot see through the world's fragile layer of skin. So we live our lives filled with uncertainty, never knowing what we truly are or what the future may bring, all we can do is imagine. Life becomes an unsolvable mystery with any number of twists and turns at the end. And that's enough to fill any soul with terror!"

“People fear because they imagine. Imagination is the power of all the emotions combined. People imagine things because they do not understand them. It’s more terrifying imagining a future that provides more pain. It’s not that people are not afraid to die. They are scared to imagine…death."

"Its not necessarily the uncertainty that makes us fearful, its more than that…. the answers we imagine are what really what frightens us."

Last edited Sep 05, 2013 at 06:32PM EDT

Asura wrote:

one of the bets quotes ive ever heard. a bit dark but it makes you think about how the human mind really works IMO.

"Sitting there in the dark, I had a chance to think about a lot of things, including the nature of the world itself. And after lengthy consideration, I realized something; when all is said and done, the world is a very unknowable place. On the surface, all appears rational, orderly. But what truly lies beyond that thin veneer of reason? Stability and superiority? Or chaos and madness? What are we truly made of in the end? Is there truly any meaning to the lives we lead? Or are we nothing but hollow vessels? These are questions we can never answer, for we cannot see through the world's fragile layer of skin. So we live our lives filled with uncertainty, never knowing what we truly are or what the future may bring, all we can do is imagine. Life becomes an unsolvable mystery with any number of twists and turns at the end. And that's enough to fill any soul with terror!"

“People fear because they imagine. Imagination is the power of all the emotions combined. People imagine things because they do not understand them. It’s more terrifying imagining a future that provides more pain. It’s not that people are not afraid to die. They are scared to imagine…death."

"Its not necessarily the uncertainty that makes us fearful, its more than that…. the answers we imagine are what really what frightens us."

Just remember though, when the world seems bleak and unforgivable:



Ok everybody, I was doing a task, and my teacher asked me to select a word and show it to a group of people to make their opinions on it. So I select the word Misanthropy, because the term tells us as how is our true nature, which the main one is that we, generally, are a species that fights for excess and consumerism, we would take advantage of alien species for their resources, create weapons to self-destroy each other. If you want to see more examples, see this in Tv Tropes. One time, I entered to Derpibooru, and I saw that the Bronies hate so much the Misanthropy, with all the fanfics that have this topic. Why?

What do you think about: Misanthopy?

My philosophic views are a strange mixture of emotions and perspectives that one of my friends called "Optimistically Nihilistic".

Are you Christian? That's pretty cool. Are you an Atheist? That's sweet, too. Do you view humans as weak or strong? Doesn't matter to me, as long as you're doing your thing. Rinse and repeat for everything.

It's like, I don't really care what people think about how the world works, but I love how everyone can be diverse and different. Figuratively speaking, I'm guessing I could be the cheering bystander when it comes to philosophy: As long as you're not being an absolute asshole, I encourage you to go your own way and do what you wish with the freedom with you've been given. I view the human mind as naive but ultimately supreme, if that makes sense.

Oh God, I'm an incoherent mess.


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