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Littlest pet shop

Last posted Jun 16, 2014 at 10:35PM EDT. Added Jun 16, 2014 at 09:33PM EDT
10 posts from 7 users

Well everyone know about the new Hub show littlest pet shop but bronies (mlp fans) hate it so I wanna let people that it a great…no AWESOME! show way better then mlp:fim

Bailey Martin wrote:

Well everyone know about the new Hub show littlest pet shop but bronies (mlp fans) hate it so I wanna let people that it a great…no AWESOME! show way better then mlp:fim

You know what's better than littlest pet shop? Fucking ANIME.

We have fanservice. We have plot and character development. We have wonderful stories.

"Littlest pet shop" only has little pets in a shop. Pretty dull and boring.

In other words: littlest pet shop is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, Anime is better.

Loli wrote:

You know what's better than littlest pet shop? Fucking ANIME.

We have fanservice. We have plot and character development. We have wonderful stories.

"Littlest pet shop" only has little pets in a shop. Pretty dull and boring.

In other words: littlest pet shop is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, Anime is better.

littlest pet shop is the best show I know!!! It better then any other show and littlest pet shop don't only haves little pets…watch the show and see for yourself

Bailey Martin wrote:

littlest pet shop is the best show I know!!! It better then any other show and littlest pet shop don't only haves little pets…watch the show and see for yourself

No, your taste is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Anime >>> littlest pet shop

Littlest Pet Shop is a fairly mediocre show that HUB made after the success of MLP.
That is all it is. Same voice actors as MLP, same animators, same writers (some), same songwriter, and same company.

It's fairly easy to notice that all the attention is going to MLP. It has a bigger animation budget, more advertisements, and it seems everyone involved in it would much rather be making that show, because MLP is much better in every aspect. If you hate My Little Pony, you will despise Littlest Pet Shop.



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