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You ever been really hyped for something, only for it to disappoint?

Last posted May 22, 2015 at 08:08PM EDT. Added May 13, 2015 at 01:26AM EDT
25 posts from 25 users

Doesn't even have to be that you "hated" the final result, just that it didn't meet expectations is all.

Well I am going to go ahead and start of with something I got hyped for and ended up hating. Back in the early 00s, M. Night was still considered a "good director" and was riding high on the success of The Sixth Sense. In 2003 he came out with a movie called Signs, a sci-fi horror film about alien invasions in the rural United States. I actually got rather hyped for the movie because of both M. Night's then-good reputation, and the trailers gave me genuine goosebumps that this would be perhaps "the new Alien." When I finally saw itā€¦ it was boring and stupid. It had barely any of the atmosphere and creepiness the trailers had, many scenes just dragged, and I found the whole "aliens weak to water" thing so lame. In fact this is probably why Scary Movie 3 is my favorite of the Scary Movie spoof films. One of it's main parodies was on Signs, with a pre-crazy Charlie Sheen playing a spoof of Mel Gibson's character in Signs (also pre-crazy, go figure), and it was hilarious.

In the realm of games, I admit Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric for Wii U was no where near what the debut trailer made it out to be. Now in all honesty I don't actually hate the game, and I WOULD say it's still many times better than Sonic 06 because at least I can actually play Sonic Boom without tons of glitches thanks to Boom getting that 1 GB patch, it's justā€¦ I expected a grand action-adventure game that felt like a new generation Sonic Adventure 1 with a little bit of Sonic Heroes. What I got is a rather average platformer that feels like it has good ideas that needed WAY more time to be properly fleshed out. Fact the game pulled a Watch_Dogs by also degrading the graphical quality from debut trailer to final release is something to note. I actually like the 3DS Sonic Boom game more, Shattered Crystal. It plays more like a traditional Sonic game, and doesn't feel rushed (as in no glitches and no bad framerate drops).

I used to be really interested by some talented yaoi/BL artists.
But one day they drew things that highly disturbed me, and I was very disappointed.
I cannot trust yaoi material as much as I used to.
Probably because back in the time, I didn't know that rape (and glamourized rapeā€¦ yuck) was a very common trope in japanese-style homoerotic arts.

This was a huge disappointment. To me it signified that Dan Slott had completely turned to shit.

To give some context. Dan Slott writes The Amazing Spider-Man (the main spider-man title) ever since issue #648. Now he was a great writer in my eyes. I loved pretty much all of his issues up until the story arc Dying Wish (issues #698 ā€“ #700) where he killed Peter Parker off and put Doc Ock in his mind making the Superior Spider-Man series which I found horrendously bad. Eventually Pete came back with a new Amazing Spider-Man title. The first issues were just not fun and actually somewhat cringey to read.

But Spider-Verse came along. It mentioned that it was gonna have every Spider-Man. It looked awesome and like a really entertaining book. What we actually got was Spider-Man constantly being called the chosen one but doing nothing and we watch these moronic vampire villains (who are ridiculously powerful) no one likes go round and kill alternate universe Spider-Men/Women for these edgy, unfunny jokes. He killed Maydays (Spider-Girl, a fan favourite character) family and its all bleak and shitty. Then we get Dan Slott's OC who is just this Asian woman who got bitten by the same spider as Spider-Man who is just a Mary Sue that is better than him in every way and is always trying to have sex with him come and save Peter in the one fight they have. Then Slott's over OC, Superior Spider-Man AKA Doc Ock in Spider-Mans body come along and just do the most idiotic thing and tries to fuck everything up.

The whole event was pointless. Dan Slott said that "Anyone could die." except they announced new titles for 3 of the characters in the event and Peter had only just died so he was safe. Instead we get a bunch of fan favourites like Spider-Men from awesome one offs/short stories and Spider-Men from kids shows and games murdered with no fight.

The only redeeming quality is that introduced some cool new Spiders and the tie ins were pretty good.

TL;DR: Tied with One More Day for worst event in Spider-Man history. Built upon lies and deceit, it marks a great writers fall from grace.

Last edited May 13, 2015 at 01:49PM EDT

Total War: Rome 2

I've been hyped for certain titles only to feel disappointed once they are released before, but this one hurt me the most. I can't tell you how much I looked forward to this game, from the day it was officially announced to the day of release. Then we got thisā€¦

Admittedly, the game has long since been patched and I'll concede that it's quite a decent game now, but I'll never forget how horrible that launch was, I'm talking AC:Unity levels bad. Even after all this time, I still feel incredibly burned over Rome 2.

Last edited May 13, 2015 at 06:31PM EDT

I was really hyped about Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD before it came out, thinking it would play just like the classic PS1 games. It didn't. While the levels and overall graphical presentation are nice, the physics areā€¦ off, to say the least, the controls are too sloppy, you have to buy new tricks with in-game money (though to be fair, there are a lot more tricks), no create-a-skater mode despite it being in THPS2, a pretty cruddy pro selection in my opinion (aside from the series mainstays, I only ever found myself using Chris Cole), and that stupid fucking Big Drop mechanic. Here's hoping they learn their lesson and THPS5 is amazing.

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. It was like the Duke Nukem Forever of JRPGs, although this game was average instead of just bad. I waited 7 long ass years for this game to come out and it had some serious steps back from the originals, such as points of no return, piss easy battles, even WORSE characters and a meh presentation in terms of soundtrack and art design. It left us on a cliff hanger, but to be honest, I don't even care anymore. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn made it clear to me why some people didn't like the series in the first place.

Unreal Tournament 3

I hyped for this game so much. It was going to be like Unreal Tournament 1 again combined with the best elements of Unreal Tournament 2004. I believed it would fix all the mistakes of the past and restore a classic era of online gaming

It justā€¦.wasn't. It's hard to explain but the demo just felt like something else. Something that wasn't UT. Mainly a console port. Among other reasons: the guns felt like toys again, just like in UT2004. For some reason Epic Games forgot how to make awesome weapon sound effects like they used in the original game.

But I think the biggest thing was how discouraging it was to hear Epic Games declare PC gaming "dead" (this was in 2007). That explained why the whole thing felt like a mere echo of what once was a profound PC title. Perhaps its for that reason that I found myself uninstalling the demo and moving on.

I gave up hope that might ever be a better UT than UT1

I went to go see The Men Who Stare At Goats in theaters because I thought that it would be the funniest thing ever. I am very forgiving of movies, i'll sit and enjoy a movie even if it's just terrible. However that movie was just soooo boring, and I left the theater very disappointed.

As a kid, I got hyped for The Last Airbender. Now, as we all know, that movieā€¦ didn't do so wellā€¦ On a more recent note, I was eager to get a new laptop after my old one bit the dust, and when I finally got it, it was rather underwhelming; hell, I just refunded it earlier this week.

For me it was when I was a young lad when I had gundam plastic models(gunpla), cos when they had images like these on the side:

I would be expecting the one that I make to look exactly the same but they always end up looking something like this:

Nowadays I've realized that you really have to panel line/paint if you want it to look that good, and that the ones that have more detail and less paint are PG's, MG's and RG's.

Planning on going back to gunla since there's some gunpla that looks kewl that I really wanna buy, but i guess I have to practice panel lining 1st.

I believe that we should not blame the companies for playing with our expectations. OK, we can blame them for treating us like guinea pigs, but the biggest part of blame must goes to us, because it was us who let our enthusiasm overwhelm us. My advise? Don't put your level of expectation too high and don't let your enthusiasm take the control.

Here in Greece we have a quote. If they promise you plenty of cherries, make sure you have a small basket. This advise goes to everybody, including me. And yes, I've been hyped many times in the past, only to have my hopes crashed in a wall.

Spore is a good example. Back in 2005, I saw a trailer about a game, in which you can take the control of a living being and help it evolve from a cell to an interstellar empire. The idea was awesome, and don't get me wrong, I still love the game. But until 2008, the year the game released, many brilliant features has been removed, such as the aquatic stage, and others has been altered and stripped down drastically. The result was not a galactic chemistry set, but a color book.

If you let your desires controls you, they will lead you to a wall. Always be skeptic, no mater how awesome something sounds.

Last edited May 21, 2015 at 03:54PM EDT

ā€“ I have a great Idea! Lets make a team based shooter that features the teamplay of Enemy Territory, the First-Person Parkour system of Mirrors Edge, the stylization of Team Fortress 2, and put em in a Unreal Engine Bowl, mix the FUCK outta them, and what did we get? a plate of mediocrity and a sad birthday for DJKing.

Test Drive Unlimited 2
ā€“ I perceived this as a precursor to Forza Horizon minus the dudebro vibes and the Itasha liveries, what I got was The Sims racing expansion pack with very little focus on actual racing. Sadness.

Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights
ā€“ Take everything that made Juiced 1 one of the best street racing titles of it's generation (Respect system, Simcade driving model, mechanical failures and repairs, Custom events) and chuck 'em for awkward and scantly clad models, awkward looking customizable avatars, awkward arcade driving model, awkward, half-baked features, and a really awkward PC port locked at 30 FPS plus GFWL integration. Awkward.

Alpha Protocol
ā€“ Mass Effect meets Splinter Cell. How could you fail with that? Well, Obsidian sure did.

Last edited May 22, 2015 at 08:11PM EDT

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