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So... How'd you get your name?

Last posted Jan 10, 2017 at 06:09AM EST. Added Dec 20, 2016 at 04:52PM EST
115 posts from 113 users

I've seen lost of interesting (or confusing) names in my time here, so I'd like to know their origins.

"Gorsingo" is a name I came up with in middle school, it was hastily made up so I could play on a game everyone was playing called Transformice. When I was 11 My friend introduced me to Spiral Knights I had trouble using a name that wasn't in use so I just went with "Gorsingo" again and it worked! Eventually because of how little it was used I stuck with it. (Except Steam, name's different there.)

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 04:53PM EST

My name in Chinese is 昕, which roughly translates to “dawn”. Alternatively it can be written as 欣, which translates to “happy”. Phonetically, it sounds like 心, or “heart”.

My brother’s name is Kai, which phonetically sounds like 开, or “open”.

Thus the two of us together are “open hearts” (开心), but the more accurate translation is “to feel happy”.

I've had Tillster with me ever since elementary school when my cousin let me make a WoW account and mess around on it. My character was a troll with a mohawk, so I guess that's what a Tillster is (Still have no idea how I actually came up with Tillster though).

I added Rulz when I made an Xbox live account sometime around middle school and have kept it ever since (And it's not meant to be some ego boost or dick stroker that I rule or something, it just rolls off the tongue nicely and sounds cool).

My name is my username so… my mom wanted to name her next daughter Annalise but she decided she'd have two more daughters instead so she named me Lisa and my sister Anna.

All my usernames have always been my name, except my very first AOL account which was aclover4life which was for Aaron Carter who I was deeply obsessed with as a child.

The term "Morningstar" has several meanings, a couple of them being biblical (Including a translation for the name "Lucifer"). Its is also a nickname for Earth's evil twin, Venus. As a result you could say therm might be used for something that appears to be pleasant on the surface but in reality is not so pleasant.

Unrelated is the term being used as another term for Maces

I chose it due to its association to light and darkness and how those two forces seem to be symbols of good and/or evil, as well as an association with Space. Edginess might had also been a factor.

I have many names. But for this site, I was originally named as Lopunny based on my favorite Pokemon of all time,. Then, I decided that I wanted a more unique name, so I decided to settle with Yunpol by basically reversing Lopunny and removing a "n". And that's how I got my name.

TSG stands for The Security General, which was a rank in a mercenary organization in a cringy Lion King fanfic I wrote years ago (but never posted online). The x's on either side come from a Youtube LPer (OTG), who would put x's on either side of his screenname in games that needed 5 character names. I liked the symmetry and decided to use it in mine.

I used this name since high school. I was a little weeaboo who was in love with dragons, so that's where Ryumaru came from (hint: Ryu is moonspeak for dragon and maru is a common boy name ending in the nippon) Borike is a word I literally made up for no reason and decided to use it as my screen name surname because Ryumaru Borike is actually somewhat close to my real name, so it feels natural being called it. Art this point, I think the Ryumaru part is kinda lame but too many people know me by this screen name to change it now.

This was originally my Minecraft username from when I first bought it back when it was still in Beta. Didn't put that much thought into the name at first back then, just a few letters and numbers. Then after seeing a few friends try to have one username for everything, I decided to do the same thing with this username. Just kinda stuck after a while.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 07:32PM EST

WELLLLLL I used to have this edgy Naruto-loving phase where I had some edgy werewolf OC named "Vile the Half-Beast" but my parents shut that down.

Instead I just combined my last name with something emblematic of wolves, which turned into "Wise-howl". I'm still amazed at how little I've seen it taken, I think the only place I've seen it grabbed by someone else was on reddit.

At the time of writing this post, I have some shitty joke name. Just look it up.

The name I usually use is "antibot" or some variation of it. I basically came up with it on the fly cuz it sounded cool. Thinking now, though, I am a bit… standoffish, compared to most of the people I know. Hence, "anti."

The original name was made up basically because I liked robots and destruction.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 08:02PM EST

I find that I'm almost always salty about something, but at the same time also optimistic that the thing I'm salty about isn't as bad as I think it is.

Edit: This mostly applies to video games.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 08:30PM EST

The creator, Monty Oum, gave this character I use as my persona on this account this name. My real life name I will with hold because I like some privacy. But it is taken from one of the greatest men of the ancient world.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 09:17PM EST

My name comes from the hero in Nibelungenlied, although I chose the german version of the name. In german, the name loosely means victory and protection. Since my avatar is a Krieg soldier from Warhammer 40K I felt that the name was apprioriate. Plus, Krieg also resemble german soldiers from the great war.

My username came about because one of the hentai sites I visit (either HentaiFoundry or FurAffinity) has content preference settings. Whenever I visited the site, I had to fiddle with the settings so I could see what I wanted to see, but it would always forget whenever I left. Eventually, I got sick of it and made a profile there so I could log in and not have to fiddle with the preferences every time I visited. Since I had no intention of posting any art nor any comments, I decided my username would describe my relationship with the site. After that, I became rather fond of the name, and started to use it for everything I could from that point forward.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 09:24PM EST

I really like Earthbound. I really like esoteric references. So, I chose the name of a minor enemy, a recolor of a prior enemy and only present in a few small parts of the early game. Also, I just like the way it sounds and have been using it so long that I've grown really fond of it, though perhaps ironically, I haven't played/watched much zombie-related media and think the markets over-saturated. My back-up name was Ego Orb.

Last edited Dec 20, 2016 at 09:27PM EST

I think I had a number of choices for a username. I just kinda settled for Space Cowboy because I like Bebop a lot and I just thought that was neat-enough name.

I'm not that creative in making a good username, so when I need to make one I usually use a name that is a mixture of expression, position, role, or job.

My name is a form of expression in my own language and a quite rare one to be used. In English term, it's equivalent to "holy shit", and people use it when you're in awe or surprised. Difference is "holy shit" is a rude remark, mine is not.

I wanted a profile based on a character that is always shrouded in mystery and since I was a Top Gear fan at the time, I thought "The Stig" would be the best choice for me. I won't change it though even if I don't watch Top Gear anymore since I still like The Stig.

The Stig wrote:

I wanted a profile based on a character that is always shrouded in mystery and since I was a Top Gear fan at the time, I thought "The Stig" would be the best choice for me. I won't change it though even if I don't watch Top Gear anymore since I still like The Stig.

Some say He has over 1000 comments on KYM and is a fan of RWBY.

I've got two stories for this one. One is for my username and the other is for my actual name.

I got my username because I ran out of ideas and that since my family holds its Irish blood with high esteem that I'd incorporate that into my handle. So I took the old name for Ireland, Eire (which I thought was spelled Eyre at the time) and added a little something more to make it snappy. And you know what Ireland is? Green! So I put them together and now I have my account name.

How I got my given name is a little more interesting and back-stabby. So when my mother was younger, she and her sisters were shooting the shit and deciding what they would name their kids, as married women do. My mom didn't want to name her kid something generic like Bob or John, so she wanted to name her first son Shane. My aunt liked the name too, so when my aunt had a son first, she was the one who named her son Shane. So my aunt basically stole my name from my mom, while I was named something else. In hindsight, it would've been funny if I were named Shane because then I'd share a full name with a certain villain in a certain popular TV show that I won't give the name of for the sake of hiding my last name. So yeah.

I used to be maddoc/ TheMadDoctor because i was a whovian in middleschool and it stuck even after that phased out. Nowadays since I identify as a woman I had it changed to Celeste since I wanna be a lolita goth bitch.

The Neos part is something from an anime, I guess. The Speer is from Albert Speer (bothe father and son) for what they've built. And the Mekhanist comes from the true name of the members of the Church of the Broken God in the SCP canons.

Back on EverQuest from 2002-2005 I had a Half Elf Bard, w ho was horrendously twinked for the sole purpose of pvp at lower levels. His name was Chewybunny Tickletummy, which became my Steam user name, and consequently, what most of my online friends know me as.

My other alternative that I use on the web is Count Chopula

Sieben Schnee wrote:

The Neos part is something from an anime, I guess. The Speer is from Albert Speer (bothe father and son) for what they've built. And the Mekhanist comes from the true name of the members of the Church of the Broken God in the SCP canons.

5 memes say the anime in question was YuGiOh GX.

Eglamore is a supporting character in the webcomic Gunnerkrigg Court. There is a running joke that the author can't draw him consistently and often adds a footnote such as "that's Eglamore in the fourth panel" to stop people from asking who it is.

Necromagenvion is a combination of three different words: the prefix Necro- (greek for death) was originally going to reference Abdul Alhazred's Necronomicon from the Cthulhu Mythos (after all, H.P. Lovecraft is one of my favorite writers of all time), but after I realized that the name was going to be a bit too long, I decided to stay with the mentioned prefix.

Next, -magen and -vion: both are extracted from the final bosses of Turok 2 (Primagen) and Turok 3 (Oblivion) respectively. Considering that Turok is one of my favorite series of any media (I mean, it's a long history that stretches from the original Gold Key comics and all the way to the eras of Valiant, Acclaim and Dynamite), I'm simply loyal to it.

Last edited Dec 21, 2016 at 09:01AM EST

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