C'est dommage que je sais pas beaucoup de cette élection… ou de politique française en général
I'm… interested in seeing Le Pen win, though I make the assumption that she's at least competent and what people take issue with is her platform. From what little I've gathered, France is dealing with garbage due to the refugee crisis, but they haven't been taking it as bad as some other countries (someone, please illuminate me on the particulars, if you want); at the same time, there needs to be a change in how they handle these refugees, or they need to take in less of them for their own survival.
Speaking of survival, though, I'm wary of how she wants to pull out of the EU and disown the currency of the EU-- which is going to put France into an initially unstable position-- but also is okay with protectionism, which is almost always a bad idea. The former may very well be necessary, but the latter is probably not going to help anyone.
Apparently, though, a lot of the French don't agree.