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So, I download Katawa Shoujo

Last posted Oct 01, 2012 at 12:02AM EDT. Added Sep 28, 2012 at 11:56PM EDT
59 posts from 21 users

And I'm going post my post my adventures through this game.

No, I never played a dating sim nor a read a visual novel. So I'm new to this.

I'll post back within an hour or so.

Edit: Whoops, I put a G in "Shoujo". Oh well….

Last edited Sep 28, 2012 at 11:57PM EDT

I gotta be honest, I don't like Katawa very much. I find it boring (and this is coming from a person that gets feels from everything)

I do give this game a lot of respect though, because I do think it is a good game especially for a visual novel. It's just not my cup of tea.

I will be looking forward to seeing who you pick ;3

Last edited Sep 29, 2012 at 12:05AM EDT

I downloaded it a while ago, since i saw some reactions of people about it
I am unsure if my body is ready for the feels, for all the feels i am going to withness
I am also playing the game and so far i've met with only 3 students, this game has an Ace Attorney feeling to anyone else?

Part 1(My experience with the Intro.)

So, it starts out pretty normally. It's snowing and I'm outside because of some note I got.

Suddenly this girl comes to me and ask me to go out with her.(As I remember)

Guess I got pretty excited since my heart was beating rather fast.
Maybe to fast….
Then it stops. My heartbeat stops.

What the hell….

I just had a heart attack.

And now I stayed in the hospital, bored as hell, for 4 months because of heart condition I had. My parents are paying for my care and the nurses and doctors were soulless dicks.

I also became a class project.


And now I've recovered and have to deal large amount of medications, which I believe will drive my parents to verge of suicide. There also sending me to a new school(Yamaku Acadamy) for disabled people. Hopefully i'll get on with story now.

I'll update again soon….

Also, feel free to ask me anything.

Last edited Sep 29, 2012 at 12:47AM EDT

A word of advice I got was to save the game at each point where you have to make a decision. That makes it easier to explore all the different routes

I got that advice too late and now I think I'm stuck on the Emi route. Oh well, I'm going to keep playing it through and answer the decision points the way I naturally would. See where my own sentiments take me.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

A word of advice I got was to save the game at each point where you have to make a decision. That makes it easier to explore all the different routes

I got that advice too late and now I think I'm stuck on the Emi route. Oh well, I'm going to keep playing it through and answer the decision points the way I naturally would. See where my own sentiments take me.


Not just the saving thing, too. You need to answer every question the way you feel you should on your first run through. I think it makes it a lot more personal, as the outcome is the outcome you would have gotten IRL.

(That doesn't mean the girl you get paired with will be your favorite, though!)

Oh god, don't do it mex, if you fall into the breach, you'll never get out!

I'm talking nonsense, but I advise you don't do this for the sake of your sanity man!!!

But seriously, I'm going to post like Misha for a while on this thread. It's obligatory when you've got hair like I do. (or what is apparent…)

By the way, listen to what BSoD said, it's what I did.

Last edited Sep 29, 2012 at 03:57AM EDT

So it's actually not about seducing and nailing disabled girls. The girls happen to have disabilities, but the more you get to know them, the more you come to realize that they are girls just like any other. They are humans with hopes and dreams, and messy, fucked up insecurities about being alive and happy.They are not strange people-they are regular ordinary humans being who feel the way they feel not because they are disabled, but because they are ordinary. They are the girl next door, theprom queen, the bookworm, the tomboy and all the baggage that comes with that -nothing more or less.

They resonate with you because you recognize your flaws and needs and desires and triumphs and victories and those of the loved ones you know and care about. You want to make them happy, because you want them to be happy because you know them and are them, and in some way you believe everyone love deserves to be happy!

You are not alone, and you are not strange.
You are you, and everyone has damage.
Be the better person.
Enjoy Katawa Shoujo!

Thanks for the advice, guys. I'll update soon on how things are going, and I'll try to take as many little screenshots as possible(Unless someone thinks differently.)

Chris wrote:

Dude, you're actually serious?

Shizune was objectively the worst route.

We're not going to start this crap again, are we? (Especially when you admittedly never even tried Shizune's route…) There are a lot of fans who like Shizune's route best and/or find Shizune to be the most attractive.

Speaking of which, I don't know why, but I'm really liking that Ann Hiro not only made me Misha, but I get to be Misha to Amanda's Shizune.

Also, the flowchart posted above is both inaccurate and incomplete. It's probably sufficient to help you choose the route you want, but it misses some details, including one alternate path through Act I that you'd need for 100% completion.

Okay, here's where I am so far….

I finally went inside the school and Akio Motou. He introduced me to the class room and blah blah blah…

Finally, I meet Misha and Shizune.

Both of them seem fairly nice though Shizune often glares at me like I did something wrong. And Misha seems a bit overactive… She's friendly, yes, but she kinda gets me annoyed. Still she's a very nice girl as well as Shizune.

I always got a quick glance of Hanako before she shyly walked away.

Class is over, need to go to the nurse, finally going to my room when suddenly….

Dear God.

Any advice on how to deal with him?

Ann Hiro wrote:

Mexx. Just treat Kenji how you treat me, and everything shall be fine. Would I let you down ?

Actually, I change my advice to this. Think of Kenji as Ann Hiro, it's pretty accurate…

only joking, Ann

Last edited Sep 29, 2012 at 12:58PM EDT

Ann Hiro wrote:

Mexx. Just treat Kenji how you treat me, and everything shall be fine. Would I let you down ?

I'm starting to think Kenji is the embodiment of Ann…

Last edited Sep 29, 2012 at 01:12PM EDT

I downloaded it too, but the only thing that happened was Penz0id making fun of me for playing a cripple-girl-dating-sim.

Imma gonna play it anyways, screw penz0id

Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender wrote:

I downloaded it too, but the only thing that happened was Penz0id making fun of me for playing a cripple-girl-dating-sim.

Imma gonna play it anyways, screw penz0id

That awkward moment when you're at a sex scene and he comes into your room…

Ben Drowned! wrote:

still waits for the day when people give shit about me enough to include me in one

There you go…

No need to thank me.

Last edited Sep 29, 2012 at 07:56PM EDT

Explosive Lasers AKA Solaire AKA Sexiest wrote:

This thread made me download it, too.

Is there a gay option for Kenji, perchance? Just curious.

Well, there is a Kenji path… It ends with pretzels and whiskey…

And it doesn't end well.

Even though im not very far I'm currently working with Rin on the art mural. I think I have the best relationship with her out of all the other girls.

Explosive Lasers AKA Solaire AKA Sexiest wrote:

This thread made me download it, too.

Is there a gay option for Kenji, perchance? Just curious.

No, not Kenji…

Explosive Lasers AKA Solaire AKA Sexiest wrote:

So, I'm after the part where Emi literally gives you a heart attack (after you race her). Can't decide between Hanako, Emi, Kenji, or the Nurse.

I'm gay for the Nurse's pants.

Well considering you can't go a gay route, you got either Emi or Hanako.


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