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Favorite Anime Moments

Last posted Apr 30, 2013 at 05:57PM EDT. Added Apr 24, 2013 at 08:43PM EDT
23 posts from 21 users

This is the place to share the anime moments you find funny awesome, or you just plain like.

This is "Strum on a guitar in the mountains" From Cromartie High School.
Best dub I've ever seen.

Last edited Apr 24, 2013 at 08:48PM EDT

Hm… probably the most prominent for me was the unleashing of the Unlimited Blade Works in Fate/Stay Night.

It sort of set the bar for how epic the rest of the season should be.

Another moment that just made the hairs on the back of my neck stand was probably the unveiling of the Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Either when Goku and vegeta whip Buu with a spirit bomb, or when Hiei kicked that one dudes ass in the tournament part of Yu Yu Hakusho.

My opinion mostly, but the English dub of Haruhi Suzumiya is far superior to the Japanese one.

Thanks for reminding me about that by the way, as any time any of the Space Manipulation/Restoration scenes happened I got a large feeling of awe from it. They happened so rarely it just reminded you how little and insignificant Kyon seemed to be sitting next to Gods.

This is probably on of my favorite scenes from Nichijou. The only other scene from that show that I can think of that rivals this is the one where the school principal gets into a fight with a deer.

Last edited Apr 27, 2013 at 10:10AM EDT

Captain Douglas J Falcon wrote:

This is the place to share the anime moments you find funny awesome, or you just plain like.

This is "Strum on a guitar in the mountains" From Cromartie High School.
Best dub I've ever seen.

Cromartie High School actually has a lot of good moments.

For example,
Internet Trolling
Eating Pencils

I've never actually seen it outside of some of these moments, but they sure make it seem appealing.


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