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PronunciationBook - "77 Days" ARG?

Last posted 11 years ago. Added 11 years ago
17 posts from 14 users

Alright, so the KnowYourMeme entry on PronunciationManual says that PronunciationBook is a legit channel "which provides correct pronunciation of English words".

However, weird phrases such as "The indigo triangles are a warning sign." and references to someone called the "chief" have also appeared in PronunciationBook's videos.

A week ago, the channel started counting down from 77, stating that something would happen in 77 days.

This is obviously one of the following: an alternate reality game, a student project, viral marketing, or an actual IRL conspiracy involving a military/the government. But, I assume it's one of the first three and so the PronunciationManual article may need a quick touch up soon.

"77 Days" Google Document (editable by anyone, so it may be blanked out. see the below links)
4channer calls Reddit's Conspiracy subreddit for Help
Wikia wiki on the conspiracy
List of all weird phrases
Current thread on 4chan's /x/ board (as of this post)
Facepunch Forums thread

Last edited 11 years ago

Reminds me of this viral marketing scheme:

But yes, considering how many youtubers have strayed into advertising, it wouldn't surprise me if this is viral marketing for an upcoming movie, or something. Which reminds me of This man:

This would make for an awesome entry

On a similar note, we could really use an ARG hub entry as well if anyone is interested in it.

I've notices there's morse code (or something of the sort) at the end of all the integer videos in the form of a quiet rumble. If anyone could translate it, it would be much appreciated.

Hey all.

I'm really just an outsider on this one, kind of flipping through some of the "weird phrases" that have come up.

Chief and the number seven have got me thinking. Could it be Halo related?

Seven has always been a big part of the Halo Mythos.

Plus after how Halo 4 ended, it really shook up Cheif's world.

All he had to live for was… her, and the mission?

Or I could be completely sleep addled here, and waaaay off.

I got involved in their IRC and found a few possible things out.

1.) The "Worried" pronunciation video ( says this:

- "I'm not worried," she said. "I'm just hungry."
- A: You look worried. What did you see in the auditorium?
- B: I am worried. I can never tell you what I saw there.

The length of the video and translated it into possible dates (covering all the bases because the content is odd). The video is 1:03.

Dates could be: 10/3 (day/month March 10th, or month/day October 3rd) and 1/03 (month/day January 3rd, or day/month March 1st).

Here is a list of events that took place on these dates in the year of the video's uploading (2012)

day/month dates
10/3/2012: March 10th

Syrian uprising: At least 45 women and children are killed and burned in Homs after the United Nations visited Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to discuss the uprising.

March 2012 Gaza-Israel clashes: At least 130 rockets are fired into Israel from Gaza, and 12 Palestinians militants are killed as part of the latest escalation in violence in the region.

The leftist opposition party Smer-Social Democracy wins a clear majority in the Slovakian parliamentary election.
1/3/2012: March 1st 2012

Syrian rebels leave the neighborhood of Bab Amr, Homs following a bloody 26 day bombardment.

The United Nations Security Council demands access to Syria for its humanitarian chief Valerie Amos.

Clashes break out and tear gas is fired by security forces in northern Azerbaijan after protesters torch the home of a local governor.

A bomb explodes on a Turkish police bus in Istanbul injuring three people.

Two members of the NATO International Security Assistance Force are killed in southern Afghanistan, one of whom is believed to be a member of the Afghan Army.

Unemployment in the Euro zone rises to 10.7 per cent, the highest level in its history.

Brazil announces the continuation of a "currency war" with the European Union and the United States with the extension of a financial transaction tax on foreign borrowings.

month/day dates

Syrian refugees in rented houses say the Turkish police in Hatay Province faces them with the choice to either join a refugee camp or go back to Syria.

A series of bombings at the Saadallah Al-Jabiri Square in the northwestern city of Aleppo kill at least 34 people. The al Qaeda linked Jabhat al-Nusra claims responsibility.

Turkish armed forces bombard targets in Syria in response to a Syrian Army shelling that hit the Turkish border town of Akçakale, killing five people.

Several blasts strike an arms stockpile in the Hezbollah-controlled Bekaa Valley in Lebanon.

Riot police in Iran clash with protestors demonstrating against the collapse of the country's currency, the rial.

Tens of thousands of India's poorest farmers march more than 300 kilometers to Delhi in a Jan Satyagraha to demand land reform under the banner of Ekta Parishad.

A few days later than initially planned, ATV-3 burns up; remaining parts plunge in the Pacific Ocean. The next mission docking with ISS, the first commercial resupply mission, with SpaceX Dragon is planned to launch on 8 October at 12:35 AM GMT. Unberthing and splashdown are targeted for 28 October. Orbital Sciences plans two Cygnus dockings to the ISS; in April 2013 follows Albert Einstein ATV (ATV-4). ATV-5 is planned April 2014.
1/3/2012: January 3rd

Aftermath of 2011 Libyan civil war: elements of former anti-Gaddafi forces from Tripoli and Misrata clash in the center of Tripoli, with five people reportedly killed

Unemployment in Spain reaches a record high.

Negotiators from Israel and the Palestinian Authority meet in the Jordanian capital, Amman, for the first time in 16 months.

We're considering the possibility of this thing referencing economic stresses in Spain, based on direct references to Spain in some videos and the Spanish pronunciation of Jesus. Several other words are also said in the Spanish pronunciation, or the pronunciation from nearby regions.

Referencing Syria is also possible due to many mentioned or related dates having to do with things taking place in Syria, usually uprisings or specific rebel or terrorist attacks.

We have not ruled out the possibility of it being an Alternate Reality game.

The videos referencing Turkey is also a possibility.

A link to the Qixi festival is suggested because it is also known as the "double seventh" festival. "77" is the first number in the countdown.

Last edited 11 years ago

Agoeb wrote:

Hey all.

I'm really just an outsider on this one, kind of flipping through some of the "weird phrases" that have come up.

Chief and the number seven have got me thinking. Could it be Halo related?

Seven has always been a big part of the Halo Mythos.

Plus after how Halo 4 ended, it really shook up Cheif's world.

All he had to live for was… her, and the mission?

Or I could be completely sleep addled here, and waaaay off.

I have the same idea as you, as soon as I saw Chief I immediately thought of Halo. And that "All he had to live for" line makes it really convincing to me that at the end of the countdown maybe it could be a trailer release of the new Halo tv show or something like that! Lol well at least that's what I think, if this really is a viral marketing thing that they started 3 years ago, with all the phrases thought out and placed in each video.

Cyphon wrote:

77<--→7 & 7
14<--→4 & 1

Half-Life 3 Confirmed.

77 is 7 & 7.
14 is 4 & 1.

Half Life 3 Confirmed.

Knowing the content of the channel, I think that the channel is going to release an augmented reality app that shows the pronunciation of the word that the camera is being pointed to. Therefore, helping foreign tourists to speak more fluently. But, who knows? I'm just ruling a possibility.


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