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:^) Emoticon

Last posted Sep 12, 2014 at 04:12AM EDT. Added Aug 19, 2014 at 06:33AM EDT
7 posts from 4 users

Might wanna see our existing article

:^) has been around since the earliest days of the internet, I know that much. I remember seeing :^) years before I starting seeing :) or 8^) or :-) or }:^( or any kind of derivative. But :^) in particular would have arrived around the same era that :-) did, sooner or later

It's one of those things that has always been around so no one really questions its existence.

It's really hard to tell where it came from exactly. Emoticons were invented as far back in the days of typewriters So anybody, anywhere could have easily come up with it.

Last edited Aug 19, 2014 at 07:02AM EDT

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

Might wanna see our existing article

:^) has been around since the earliest days of the internet, I know that much. I remember seeing :^) years before I starting seeing :) or 8^) or :-) or }:^( or any kind of derivative. But :^) in particular would have arrived around the same era that :-) did, sooner or later

It's one of those things that has always been around so no one really questions its existence.

It's really hard to tell where it came from exactly. Emoticons were invented as far back in the days of typewriters So anybody, anywhere could have easily come up with it.

No, :^) has seen a rise in popularity due to people using it as a sarcastic sort of face. It almost has lost it's meaning as a actual smiley and turned into a "I'm totally being sarcastic right now and I hope you know that" face. It's used to poke at people who only think that Advice Animals and Rage Faces are the best and only memes, etc.

I just poked around the 4chan archive for a minute or two and I already found a post related to it.

Context in case you want it.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

What other places have you seen it used that way?

well i pretty much see it on 4chan.

i see it being used on /mu/ in a sarcastic way all the time, or to mock somebody, overalll give a sense of superiority and smugness.

and of course on /s4s/ ALL THE TIME, even on the official wiki.



Last edited Aug 19, 2014 at 12:42PM EDT

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

What other places have you seen it used that way?

OP here, finally thought it was time to deliver.

There were also a TON more incidents where I saw this emote, just that I never screen capped them. Like twistedmetalero said, I saw most of this stuff on 4chan, but it's began to leak out now.

Heck, I could probably go into Riff-Raff right now and spot a few of them.


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