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Last posted Nov 22, 2012 at 06:13PM EST. Added Nov 22, 2012 at 09:06AM EST
73 posts from 36 users

(spots Cirno)

"Target acquired!" (fires 76mm cannon, followed by a quick burst from the Browning M1919 .30-06 MG in the hull)

"Target locked!" (turns to face [whoever the hell Tardises' avatar is], fires 76mm gun again, followed by another quick burst from the M1919 hull MG)

Ann Hiro wrote:

I got the toilet paper to clean up the mess Nair made.

Hah! The jokes on him!
pedals in a circle

Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender wrote:

Hah! The jokes on him!
pedals in a circle

(engine to full power, accelerates to 30 mph, chases after the bike)

"Permission to engage!" (fires hull MG)

I'm going to make a checklist of all the checklists of books I'm going to read for each day of next week.
Spike! Get some parchment and a quill!
I'll need much more parchment than that.

(You read that in Twilight's voice, didn't you?)

(spots the pony, quickly readjusts position)

"Ready to fire on target!" (fires 76mm cannon and .30-06 hull MG at pony)

the projectiles keep getting destroyed by the minisun

(You… DO know that Utsuho's ability is nuclear fusion, right? And that she surrounds HERSELF with a minisun for Subterranean Sun, right? She's basically untouchable by our technology right now.)

Utsuho continues the spellcard…

Well, reading it in whatever voice you meant would be impossible for me.

You shouldn't need to ask why.

Last edited Nov 22, 2012 at 04:08PM EST

OOC: I could always switch to "The Sun Crusher" and see how you like it.

(Yes, the Galactic Empire actually made a weapon that destroys stars. No shit.)

(continues firing on the pony) "That's gotta hurt!"


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