February 19th marks the release of Fire Emblem Fates in North America! I decided it would be a good idea to create a thread to discuss the game here.
Please remember to mark your posts as spoilers when appropriate (i.e. story, character revelations). The game has yet to release in Europe, and there are probably people living in North America that can’t get the game right away. So please, be respectful to everyone here
*Side with Hoshido, the Japanese-inspired kingdom
*Story wise, it’s pretty simple
*Gameplay wise, if you’ve played Awakening before, then you’ll feel right at home
*Has simple mission objectives (Route the Enemy, Defeat the Commander)
*Birthright features the ability to grind gold and experience to your heart’s content
*Features a variety of new classes (Ninja, Oni Savage, Spear Fighter, Apothecary, etc.)
*In terms of overall difficulty, Birthright is the easiest of the three paths
*If Fates is your first Fire Emblem, Birthright would be a good place to start
*Side with Nohr, the European-inspired kingdom
*Story wise, it’s more complex in comparison to Birthright’s straightforward story
*Gameplay wise, it plays like the old classic Fire Emblem games
*Has a variety of mission objectives (Defend, Escape, Complete in X number of turns)
*Unlike Birthright, which has a world map to do skirmishes, and unlimited gold and experience, -Conquest has no world map, and limited gold and experience
*Features classic classes from past Fire Emblem games (Cavalier, Mercenary, Fighter, Knight, etc.)
*In terms of overall difficulty, Conquest is the hardest of the three paths
*Conquest is perfect for Fire Emblem veterans, and for those seeking a challenge
*Side with no kingdom and join the battle in Smash!
*Gameplay wise, it features a mix of both the classic and newer Fire Emblem games
*Revelation has the mission objectives variety from Conquest, while also includes the unlimited gold and experience from Birthright
*Difficulty falls in the middle of Birthright and Conquest
*Revelation is recommended to be played after completing Birthright and Conquest. It spoils the events/circumstances of those two paths
Nintendo has recently uploaded two videos (unsure if more will come) about Fates called Life on the Front Lines.
So yeah, that’s pretty much it for now. Let’s discuss Fates!