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Cut/removed content from games that you wish had stayed in the final product

Last posted Aug 28, 2017 at 06:45PM EDT. Added Aug 18, 2017 at 04:58PM EDT
25 posts from 23 users

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep – Jungle Book world

In KH:BBS it was discovered through datamining that the game was supposed to have a level based on the 1967 animated Jungle Book adaptation by Disney, with two areas of the world even fully modeled, most notably King Louie's throne. No official explanation has ever been given why this level got scrapped presumably early in development, but it's believed it has to do with the King Louie character, who was based off of and voiced by Louis Prima in the 1967 film. Disney briefly brought back this character in the Disney Afternoon show Talespin back in the 90s (voiced by Disney veteran VA Jim Cummings), and apparently the family of the late Louis Prima threatened to sue Disney or continuing to use a character based off of Prima without asking the family first. Since then Disney has avoided featuring King Louie in any other forms of media, so it's likely Disney execs had to tell the Square-Enix devs to scrap the level, but I think the level could have still been included even without Louie.

The post-Hoover Dam content in Fallout New Vegas. Could've been interesting to have, and at the very least you simply get to sandbox around a bit more.

Also basically most of Clockwork Empires; still sad it collapsed its own company after just one good game and couldn't get finished because of that.

EDF 4.1 should have added the cut Genocide Gun and Armageddon Cluster. They were removed from 2025 during development because the Xbox 360 couldn't handle the lag (Those two weapons were basically nukes) However, a fairly powerful PC should have been able to handle it when 2025 got ported with 4.1

I can think of two, the first is also one I don't know a whole lot about. In the pre-release prototype of Chrono Trigger, there exists a small island with a coliseum looking building on it in 2300 AD , but even in the prototype it didn't do anything other than exist on the world map.

What its intended purpose was is a mystery and it drives me nuts not knowing what they had planned.

(Of course, there's also the removed Singing Mountain area from 65,000,000 BC.)

The other one is pretty much the entire first half of the second disc of Xenogears, which is believed (if not straight up confirmed) to have been cut due to the game's budget being reassigned to Final Fantasy VIII. (This also follows into all the cut content to the Xenosaga series, but I digress.)

Basically, I'm kinda tired of Tetsuya Takahasi getting shafted by the publisher he works for, though things seem to be going well with Nintendo

Last edited Aug 18, 2017 at 08:40PM EDT

Bioshock Infinite had some cool body horror mutations involving the alternate realities/time travel/science bullshit.

Also just some interesting alternate enemy types like a cannibal enemy that got stronger after eating dead enemies

If it actually was the case, I would've like to have Plusle and Minun as fighters in Brawl. Well them most among the other cut characters, as I would've also liked to have seen Toon Zelda (though have her switch to Tetra instead of Toon Sheik).

I do remember Paper Mario: Sticker Star actually being closer to the first two Paper Mario games in terms of design during development. If it had stayed that way for the final product, it would have sold the game for me. After all, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Shadow of the colossus: the 8 unused colossi some were discarded to improve game flow and some were cut for reasons unknown and the alternate ending.
The legend of Zelda Twilight Princess: The beta forest looked so cool.

@Smiley Dog

Oh yeah I heard about those. IIRC they scrapped those ideas because they felt they were too much like splicers from the first two games, and the devs decided they didn't want Infinite's ordinary human enemies to just be an alternate version of splicers, though granted there are still moments where the game kinda explores that scrapped idea to a mild extent (namely seeing some NPCs freaking out because they "remember" dying in an alternate timeline, or that one "ghost" boss that was based on using a timeline anomaly where said person is basically alive and dead all at the same time).


Okay this is more of a scrapped game in general but I remember back in 2004 Treyarch, the company behind the Spider-Man 2 game and the CoD Black Ops series, were working on an open world zombie action game called "Dead Rush" for the PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube that was going to essentially be GTA meets Dead Rising (before Dead Rising was even a thing too!). Game Informer did a very extensive preview of the game in the issue that had GTA San Andreas as their cover game which detailed things like being able to customize vehicles to make them withstand denser zombie hordes and rescuing survivors throughout the city in order to get upgrades.

The game was shown off at E3 2004 and got positive press from some sources like Nintendo Power, but only a few short months after this E3 reveal Activision announced the game was cancelled. I don't believe a good reason was ever really given as to why the cancellation happened, especially since that same year Treyarch and Activision released the critically acclaimed Spider-Man 2 game that showed Treyarch knows how to make a good open world game. Given all Treyarch has gotten to make from 2005 and onward are just Spider-Man and Call of Duty games (now just CoD since Spider-Man's development rights keep shifting) I can only assume Activision just cancelled Dead Rush in order to make Treyarch one of their companies that puts out "guaranteed money makers."

Last edited Aug 19, 2017 at 02:07AM EDT

Crash Twinsanity has so much cut content I wish was in, but I'll name just a few here. I wish that the Gone a bit Coco level was implemented, as the ideas they made for exploring Coco's brain as Cortex looked like fun. I wished that Twinsanity island and Evil Crash and Coco were fully fleshed out, and there were even plans for a stage that explained how the Evil Twins have something against Cortex.

The entire sequence of Metal Gear Solid 2 where Arsenal Gear crashes into Manhattan and the aftermath, right before the final confrontation between Raiden and Solidus. Of course, I understand the reasons of the removal: 9/11 had just happened and there was no way that the game was going to ship with that scene in it.

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Mainly the cut content for the inaccessible Sol Sanctum area, certain areas with bridges being blocked/destroyed and the Venus Tower being fully modeled but is kinda just staying around. Plus the Mercury Tower though it was in the map as an Easter egg.

The Hunter, Programmable AR, Assault MG, Heavy Rifle, Assault Sniper, ability to crouch, the ability to ride horses, ability to travel to North Yankton etc

So much fun stuff left out of Gta 5

Last edited Aug 20, 2017 at 08:16AM EDT

There are tons of cut content from Spore, maybe more than the actual content of the final game, like more stages and more realistic aspects. If you have the galactic edition (not the Galactic Adventures expansion), you get a small book with plenty of original ideas and artistic concepts than never went to the game, like extra editors and more plants and creatures. To see just some of them, check this article from SporeWiki:

Another one relating to Kingdom Hearts:

In "Dream Drop Distance" (originally for the 3DS and now it's on the PS4 in HD) there are some select worlds in the game where the areas Sora and Riku visit differ highly, most notably the Pinocchio world (where Sora visits the amusement park and Riku explores inside of Monstro the giant whale). However this idea was originally going to be taken a step further for other worlds in the game but the idea was ultimately scrapped for some reason.

First the world based off of Tron Legacy was originally going to have the world be completely different based on who visited the level, with Sora going to Space Paranoids from Tron 1 and KH2, and Riku visiting The Grid from Tron Legacy (this can sorta be seen in the game with how Riku's story in The Grid is more of a recreation of the movie's plot). Second the world based off of Fantasia would be a different Fantasia movie based on who you were playing as, with Sora getting the 1940 Fantasia and Riku getting Fantasia 2000. In the end though the devs decided to keep the Tron world based just on Tron Legacy and the Fantasia world based on the 1940 film. My best guess is the devs probably didn't have enough time to work on completely separate level designs for some of the worlds so they only used this idea for worlds such as Pinocchio's.

Last edited Aug 21, 2017 at 08:00AM EDT

Some of the concepts from Versus XIII I would have loved to see in XV. I fully understand Insomnia not being fully explorable (Program a GTA V sized, interactive city with nothing really relevant to do in it? What's the point?), but I would have loved a tutorial level done in the vein of Versus XIIIs previous trailers involving the destruction of the city and Noctis having to escape the havoc.
I also have to say as much as I love XV's final product I still think the open world should have been kept in during the latter half of the game. I would have loved to see more of some of the Niflheim territory. I also feel that while the story is a MASTERFULLY done classic FF tale in a modern world, I still feel the "reality" elements should have remained more prominent to a degree, like maybe exploring more of the realistic consequences of the war, showing more of the war-torn landscape, showing actual military conflict besides what we see in Kingsglaive, more towns and cities (Although the settlement amounts and sizes can at least be explained in this FF as the daemons and generally large flora and fauna preventing outward growth. I mean, how can you construct a town when at night a bunch of deranged monsters come out and try to kill any living thing in sight?), more bustling roads and highways, more "real life" elements like airports, turnpikes, wi-fi, and finally more fleshing out of the empire. I'm content with XV as it is, as it is a must-play in my eyes if you love FF, but I still think these few little setbacks keep it from surpassing IX as my favorite.

Last edited Aug 22, 2017 at 11:20PM EDT

Did someone body says Cut content

Fire Emblem Fates's Bikinis and…




Last edited Aug 24, 2017 at 01:14AM EDT

DooM: Early builds had interesting things like a rifle with bayonet (hence why Doomguy's sprite and the zombiemen both carry rifles), collectibles like Wolfenstein 3D's treasure, and mockup UIs that include things like an inventory and a radio log. The Doom Bible also includes tons of interesting ideas that were left on the chopping block, including a story that was actually significant, multiple player characters (recycled for Rise of the Triad), and a completely different setting. (Tei Tenga, the only remnant of this is one of the computer screen wall textures) It seems that much like Wolf3D before it, Doom was much more ambitious, then scaled back to make it more accessible.

Jazz Jackrabbit 2: JJ2 had a lot of cut content including powerups, levels, even entire bosses, one of which is fully coded and just requires sprites for its hitboxes to work. The laser shield, for one, was really interesting but incomplete and only destroys block if you throw it in via the level editor.

Banjo-Tooie: Bottles' Revenge, an extra mode where player 2 could control Bottles' ghost and possess enemies to attack Banjo with. It's dummied out, but still mostly functional with some Gameshark tomfoolery or ROM editing. For that matter, Stop 'n' Swop[sic]. I understand the reasons why they were required to scrap the plans, but I can't help but miss the idea of what could have been.

Starfox Adventures: Basically the entire game before it became Starfox Adventures. I actually love the game despite its numerous flaws, but it only suffered from shoehorning in the Starfox license. Had they left it as Dinosaur Planet, with a totally original story, I feel it may have been more pleasantly remembered.

Daggerfall: A great deal. Whole factions, enemy types, abilities, spell triggers, and more didn't make the cut. Granted the game was a barely functional mess as it was (heck, the main story was bugged and uncompletable in version 1.0!), but I can't help but wonder what it would have been like to join a faction called The Order of the Lamp.

Quake: The original idea teased in Commander Keen, specifically. Instead of being a mostly nonsensical shooter, it was to be an open-world RPG, and Quake was the name of the player character. It seemed poised to strike against the idea of the roguelike start making you "a weakling with no food" and having you begin as the strongest man in the world. I believe the original working title was The Fight For Justice.

Knights of the Old Republic 2
The original ending didn't make in it the game. The final world was pretty bare compared to the rest of the worlds. There's even a droid factory that you can find but the door remains locked. The restoration mod does restore it however. I'm pretty sure there was tons of other stuff that got cut but this is what I remember from the top of my head.

Dark Souls
There was lot of cut content in this game. I would have liked to see the door in the ruins of Firelink Shrine that was behind Frampt. It's likely that it would have led to the Kiln of the First Flame but it would have looked nicer to explore it instead of having Frampt take you there. I would have liked if Queelag was an optional boss, as her cut content had dialog and didn't attack you on sight. Not sure if I remember this correctly, but I think she was originally planned to allow players to join the Chaos covenant.

Deus Ex
This game had 3 levels that didn't make it. There was a point where DC had to visit the White House, the Texas border and a moon base with a rampant AI. I recall that there was a newspaper in the game that mentioned something about a laser in space that "accidentally" went off and vaporized some town in Africa. You would later discover that the AI was behind it and try to stop it.

Dick Crosby - ウエイバーコホーム wrote:

Did someone body says Cut content

Fire Emblem Fates's Bikinis and…




I actually wish the skinship/petting was kept in the final game. It was one of the main reasons I was excited about FE: Fates.


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