Send Nudes
"Send Nudes" is an expression used to request sexually explicit photographs from someone via various forms of communication, including web based services and text message. Online, the phrase is often referenced as an unexpected punchline in images and videos, and has circulated on the Brazilian web with the Portuguese translation "manda nudes."
On March 4th, 2005, Urban Dictionary[11] user madmaxxx submitted an entry for "nudes," noting that internet users will often request nude photographs with phrases like "n00dz plz."

On February 12th, 2008, Flickr[12] user Allen posted a photoshopped image of a kitten with a gun held to his head with the caption reading "Send Nudes Or I Shoot The Fucking Cat" (shown below), a reference to the cover photo of National Lampoon's January 1973 issue.[18][19]

On February 19th, 2014, Redditor hubble_butt submitted a stock photo of two children talking through tin cans with the caption "Send the nudes bitch" (shown below, left). Prior to being archived, the post gained over 2,200 votes (96% upvoted) on the /r/youdontsurf subreddit.[7] On April 9th, Redditor Hailz__ posted a chat conversation in which a picture of a blue-faced woman with no torso is sent to a person requesting nudes, garnering upwards of 2,900 votes (97% upvoted) and 50 comments before it was archived on /r/creepyPMs[10] (shown below, right).[10]

On September 20th, 2016, Redditor ThreadlessJon submitted a screenshot of a chat conversation in which a man asks a religious woman to provide nude photographs or "ignore if you love Satan" to /r/BlackPeopleTwitter,[9] where it received more than 3,600 votes (96% upvoted) in two months (shown below).

On November 21st, Instagram user carteltwins posted a video in which a person is shown attempting to use chopsticks before panning over to the phrase "send nudes" written in noodles (shown below). Within one week, the video accumulated upwards of 31,000 views and 300 comments.
On November 29th, Redditor spitonem uploaded an animation of a Linerider video game level that spells out the phrase "send nudes" to /r/gifs, where it garnered more than 8,800 votes (86% upvoted) and 1,900 comments in 24 hours (shown below). That day, the /r/send_nudes[8] subreddit was launched, describing itself as a "safe for work subreddit for posting gifs and images requesting nudes in an elaborate/unexpected way." Within 24 hours, the subreddit gained over 4,800 subscribers.

Also on November 29th, the @BuzzFeedVideo Twitter feed posted a short clip of a brush being dropped on the floor next to the words "send nudes" spelled out in make-up products (shown below).
Ugh I'm so clumsy pic.twitter.com/Vn50StJGyR
— BuzzFeedVideo (@BuzzFeedVideo) November 30, 2016
Manda Nudes
On March 11th, 2015, the Manda Nude ("send nude" in English) Tumblr[1] blog was launched, featuring various company logos photoshopped with the Portuguese phrase "Manda Nudes" (shown below)

On March 19th, the Brazilian blog Não Salvo[2] highlighted several "manda nudes" photoshops. On May 4th, 2015, YouTuber Luz, Camera, Revolucao! uploaded an edited Marvel Comics intro sequence edited with "Manda Nudes" over the company logo (shown below, left). On June 24th, YouTuber Arthur Brito uploaded a video of a PlayStation start-up screen displaying the words "Manda Nudes" (shown below, right).

On August 17th, 2016, the creative studio Nelson Cash tweeted a list of the top keywords submitted to their Make It Stranger generator, which included “manda nudes”, “butt stuff” and “rip harambe” (shown below).[13]

Multitap Sequence
In December 2016, Twitter users began tweeting 7777 33 66 3 66 88 3 33 7777, a numeric sequence that translates to "send nudes" in multi-tap text messaging, as a throwback to the early days of mobile texting before the arrival of touch-screen keyboards. Throughout January and February 2017, dozens of messages bearing the multi-tap sequence surfaced on Twitter[14] and Reddit[16], many of which were accompanied by comments in the vein of age test and "only 90s kids know" jokes.

Search Interest
External References
[5] Lecture: How to send nudes safely?! (In Portuguese)
[6] Article: 'Send nudes' on internet: the fault is from the facility in the interactions; is it? (In Portuguese)
[7] Reddit – kids these days
[8] Reddit – /r/send_nudes
[9] Reddit – The eleventh commandment
[10] Reddit – Send me nudes?
[12] Flickr – send nudes or I shoot the cat
[13] Twitter – @nelsoncash
[14] Twitter – Search Results for '7777 33 66 3 66 88 3 33 7777'
[15] Reddit – What's with the '7777 33 66 3 66 88 3 33 7777' thing?
[16] Reddit – Search Results for '7777 33 66 3 66 88 3 33 7777'
[17] Google Trends – 7777 33 66 3 66 88 3 33 7777
[18] Reddit – Schmo006's comment
[19] National Lampoon – Jan 1973 Issue
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