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New Image Gallery Pages

Last posted Dec 21, 2018 at 07:30PM EST. Added Dec 20, 2018 at 01:33PM EST
18 posts from 16 users

Some of you may have noticed the image galleries look slightly different. We've had to make the thumbnails uniform for now but we plan to redesign these so it maintains image aspect ratios sometime in the near future.

i like how the images line up perfectly to be loaded easily when scrolling down, I always had some trouble trying to get the next wave of images to load because of that.
though like everyone else has said sacrificing long image thumbnails to be able to do that is too much of a drawback. maybe it’ll be worth revamping what counts as something that requires the ‘Long Post’ thumbnail and also making it less obstructive to the image itself?

FWIW you can enable full-height by changing this CSS rule. It's pretty fun!

#photo_gallery .item {
height: 165px;

Just turn that off (your web inspector will have a checkbox) and your display will have full images.

I'll see about an even easier trick for you all to achieve this result.

Well, it makes wide images stand out more, at least. These used to look really flat in the gallery and therefore they were easy to overlook while scrolling.

What exactly is the update going to be?
Just asking to make sure if I need to be prepared to script stuff away. The "Please follow us on these sites you do not use" things are also made in a way that makes blocking them difficult.

JConlisk wrote:

Honestly, this doesn't feel as bad when staff hates it equally.

Next update staff will sing Kumbaya with the users around a campfire.

The thing that is so jarring about them still isn't even the white bars themselves as they should, in theory, blend in with the white background of the web page fine.

The real issue is the clear grey outline that evenly spaces the images out which makes the white bars super visible. Even though they were always there to distinguish the borders of the image, they end up highlighting the white letterboxes more than if the borders were simple not there.


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