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admit to us a time when you were being petty on KYM (we won't judge)

Last posted May 04, 2024 at 04:06PM EDT. Added Apr 18, 2024 at 02:45PM EDT
31 posts from 22 users

did you ever mass downvote someone's comments and posts? (even in things irrelevant to what you disagreed with him for)
did you ever make multiple accounts to do the same thing?
did you ever get the mods on your side to warn someone else not to argue back against you (especially when you were instigating it)?
did you ever get caught? how did you handle it?

tell us some juicy details on what went through your head if you were ever doing stuff like this

Way back when I was less than a year into the site, there was also another user who named their account after Suiseiseki from Rozen Maiden. They would frequently spam the word "desu" as is associated with the character, and I found it a constant annoyance. It eventually led to the two of us constantly spatting with each other even when it involved other topics, one time I specifically remember was in this thread which I just wanted to share something that I had recently experienced irl and then derailed quickly.

thankyouveryregarded wrote:

true, wish there was a "post anonymously" function like they're doing on FB

The site would probably just become 4chan that way. Facebook is.

It's like carcinisation, but for social media.

I like to look at old entries, which leads to profile stalking the image galleries of some users. Some to see if they have consistently good quality images and some because I didn't like something and I wanted to find who posted it.

It's nosy and a waste of time, but you learn a lot about some users this way.

… I suspect this thread is going to make a lot of people paranoid.

Last edited Apr 19, 2024 at 04:44AM EDT

Gilan wrote:

I like to look at old entries, which leads to profile stalking the image galleries of some users. Some to see if they have consistently good quality images and some because I didn't like something and I wanted to find who posted it.

It's nosy and a waste of time, but you learn a lot about some users this way.

… I suspect this thread is going to make a lot of people paranoid.

Gilan wrote:

I like to look at old entries, which leads to profile stalking the image galleries of some users. Some to see if they have consistently good quality images and some because I didn't like something and I wanted to find who posted it.

It's nosy and a waste of time, but you learn a lot about some users this way.

… I suspect this thread is going to make a lot of people paranoid.

Eh, at this point i think it's common knowledge that the internet doesn't give a fuck about our privacy, so people are either already paranoid or they've grown so used to it that it doesn't affect them anymore.

martinprince12345 wrote:

Eh, at this point i think it's common knowledge that the internet doesn't give a fuck about our privacy, so people are either already paranoid or they've grown so used to it that it doesn't affect them anymore.

truth be told, you're just as exposed to your own identity as me and anyone else on the world wide web. majority of people use gmail as their electronic mail service and that is know to track user's information for other websites. majority of social media follow suit. in addition to other devices and applications that egregiously ask the user to be track before they could even access the app/site.

sure there are a bunch of workarounds to negate being tracked and alternative services that keep you private. but the issue is that unless you have a time machine and start off fresh, by the time you gain access to this knowledge it's already to late. you can negate it as much as possible, but you're not truly under the radar. and this even mention the government involvement for some countries.

in addition, it's improbable to stay hidden online when each post and comment can tell bit by bit about the user themselves. they don't tell the world about their private information, but the droplets from the cracks can tell a wider picture. I don't fully talk about my personal information. but I can defiantly tell you that I layout a lot of things about myself if one of the user's here track the several years of my posts. if their very willing to get something out of me. and this can apply to anyone, really.

or you can just go to the cryaotic route just purge all previous post you made on the internet yearly. as long as you don't have the similar reasons for it just like him…

For my own personal pettiness, there are some users on this site that I don't like by the way they talk "indirectly" of certain groups and people. like they aren't trying to be subtle and more like they pussyfoot around the half-ass guidelines.

Is just that it's kind hard for me to be angry, let alone being infuriated/upset. I'm just mostly burnt out by my depression. I just thought that if I made my post look angry (such as cussing, ALL CAPS, and what not), just to make myself looked angry. I just pretend to be angry just to fit in with the rest of the user's online. something must be wrong with me if I'm not as outrage like everyone else. Even to some users on this site that I don't like. I couldn't bother making a rebuttal post. and I have a dedicated word document of all the post I made for this site and the most of the reply's I have were barely reaching the second sentence.

But besides that, I don't use puppet accounts, unless there's an old account that I made in which I forgot the password. if that were the case, it might be MegaGBX or something way around 2007-2010. besides that, most of my post are indifferent at best, so I can't really say much. but there are some instances that I'm clearly the only one in the discussion to have a different perspective in regards to some topics.

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Mistress Fortune wrote:

There’s one user I don’t respond to because I still don’t like how he interpreted comments I made on a certain subject a year ago. No I won’t name who.

What was the subject

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I tried to take down chair with me and get the both of us banned when he was spamming me in a thread about the Ukraine invasion, but nothing happened

i've said it before but there are a ton of posts i desperately wish to delete
some i can't since i'm either not sure i truly want to…or literally
others that actually finding them would take time which i'm too lazy for
around half of the issue would be gone if we could EDIT OUR POSTS

Last edited Apr 20, 2024 at 09:23AM EDT

Had a back and forth shitfling with one user named Goat4421 due to them flooding the Image Gallery with Crying Jordan meme pics.
Ended up getting stalked and meme'd on for a couple of years until they finally deactivated out of boredom, I guess.

I usually don't post due to being so socially scared I cant even message people. That being said i sometimes get petty at spammers and trolls, so I post bait images on their profiles. Then I never respond.

In 2015, I was involved in The Great Smash War with JJ and Lizardguy. We had constant back and forths regarding the competitive scene. I was part of the pro competitive camp, acknowledging that the balance is far from perfect and thus, some characters were better than others. But Lizardguy wasn’t having it, so I and JJ went at him. They’ve since been banned or deactivated and I was the only survivor.

All this over Super Smash Bros…. What a trip.

Way back during the GG era when I had a lot less experience in editing. You had to discuss edits in a dedicated forum before changing anything. Most of the time nobody bothered to answer so I was like: "If none of you shitheads bother answering I'll just edit myself!"

There was also that time I got frustrated with an admin's response (him saying I could edit an image myself cuz I was a scrapbooker except I COULDNT because the Image was frontpaged so you had to have admin privileges which was the very reason I contacted to begin with) I made a shitty rage comic out of it and posted it on the forums.

superjumpman wrote:

Way back during the GG era when I had a lot less experience in editing. You had to discuss edits in a dedicated forum before changing anything. Most of the time nobody bothered to answer so I was like: "If none of you shitheads bother answering I'll just edit myself!"

There was also that time I got frustrated with an admin's response (him saying I could edit an image myself cuz I was a scrapbooker except I COULDNT because the Image was frontpaged so you had to have admin privileges which was the very reason I contacted to begin with) I made a shitty rage comic out of it and posted it on the forums.

Sorry to go off topic for a bit, but what is that whole thing about the titles? "scrapbooker" "pundit", how do they work? Are they applied automatically or by an admin/mod? I just noticed i have "commentator" under my profile username

I can't exactly recall posting anything petty here on kym, but I remember some times where I probably could have not left a post because I didn't have anything useful to say. Mainly think that because I feel like I didn't really have that good of advice for some of the threads I've seen others post their struggles on.

However, there has been a time or two where I used a reaction image as a response to a mass downvoted comment for mockery. That feels like a standard thing anyone would do though.

martinprince12345 wrote:

Sorry to go off topic for a bit, but what is that whole thing about the titles? "scrapbooker" "pundit", how do they work? Are they applied automatically or by an admin/mod? I just noticed i have "commentator" under my profile username

Most titles are gained autmatically by contributing to the website.
For example:pundit is for posting 1000 comments or for forum posts
Scrapbooker is a special case as it gives you the privilege of editing media submissions. You get that one by uploading 100 images in the image galleries.

There are also moderator titles and unique titles for users who did some special contribution for the website

Here's a full list of titles

Last edited May 02, 2024 at 03:00AM EDT

superjumpman wrote:

Most titles are gained autmatically by contributing to the website.
For example:pundit is for posting 1000 comments or for forum posts
Scrapbooker is a special case as it gives you the privilege of editing media submissions. You get that one by uploading 100 images in the image galleries.

There are also moderator titles and unique titles for users who did some special contribution for the website

Here's a full list of titles

Thanks for the clarification!

Suspended my account on this site for well beyond 5 years after disagreeing with the banning of one of KYM's most infamous negative karma whores. Peak pettiness, lads.

I downvoted as much of the all-time popular MLP image posts I came across in 2012-2013 when the subculture was exploding in popularity. It was a strange dislike for the subculture but that's a long time ago and nowadays I don't have any feelings for any fandom one way or the other.
Pettiness is ridiculous and funny when it's something so minor.

I try to be as civil and respectful to most people, even if I strongly disagree with them. Then there are a tiny few who I treat like total garbage. Most of those have already been banned so it's been kind of boring.

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