10 Geography Memes To Get You Where You Need To Go

We all need to know where things are, but we all definitely don’t know where things are. This is a common problem. People say there is no projection of a world map on a 2D surface that can accurately capture the allegedly 3D proportions of this planet, but that’s only part of the reason for us not knowing where we are at all times.
Geography memers on Reddit’s /r/geographymemes are devoted to addressing the question of where we are exactly, which is also the question of where we were and where other places that we may wish to go to also are. Sometimes, these meme creators make up places that do not really exist, so be prepared for that. But, if you need to go somewhere that is more of a state of mind than a state of the US or some other entity, you may use these memes to direct you.
New Europe Just Dropped
(Source: Reddit)
This may be an improvement. Anyone who's seen Ohio would agree.
Just Barely Managed To Escape A Terrible Fate
(Source: Reddit)
Thank God the visitor's center is okay.
It Should Be One
(Source: Reddit)
There was, jokingly, a proposal to use dynamite and make Rhode Island a real island in the 1790s, when it was the last holdout on ratifying the Constitution.