15 Ancient Tweets From The Days When 'X' Was Still 'Twitter'

Before Twitter went totally mainstream and then became known as "X," it was a wild wilderness of unchecked nonsense. Finally, a platform less formal than Facebook, one where everyone was on equal footing and status. The "good old days of Twitter" as some call it were filled with people constantly exploiting the freedom of tweeting the first thing that popped into their head. A character limit was the only thing standing between people and dumping all of their disturbingly dark jokes and perplexing rants on us all at once. People hadn't really learned how to censor themselves on the internet at that point, and the results were often hilarious.
Oftentimes, they gave us a little too much insight into the disturbed minds of celebrities and other high-profile individuals — but at least it gave us lots of content that we can still mock in the 2020s. Even though these tweets definitely aged in a very weird sort of way, here are some ancient relics from that age, mostly from Shaq, that still resonate today as especially bizarre.