
15 Attempts At Memes From Reddit's 'Special Snowflakes'

Two special snowflake memes
Two special snowflake memes

Published January 19, 2024

Published January 19, 2024

Reddit contains one of the biggest meme communities, but that doesn't mean it's particularly streamlined. There are a lot of restrictions on what kinds of memes can be posted, as well as where they can be posted. But perhaps the most difficult is the restriction put on who can post. Large communities like /r/memes and /r/dankmemes have certain restrictions on what users can post, particularly surrounding karma. Reddit karma is a calculation of engagement on a user's posts and comments, but if users happen to have a karma level underneath a certain threshold, they can't post.

Sometimes, people don't want to wait until they've earned enough upvotes to post memes. Some of them have memes in mind they want to create, but predictably, not all of them are good, because it turns out the vetting system does have some relevance in keeping things acceptably entertaining. These users don't let that stop them, though. They gather on Reddit's /r/SpecialSnowflake, where they think their memes are funny enough to deserve upvotes despite their rejection from the large subreddits. Are they? Take a look at these auditions and decide for yourself.

Pope's Got Drip

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Close Enough

(Source: Reddit)

What's Going On Over There?

(Source: Reddit)

From The Chinese Spy Balloon Incident, I'm Guessing?

(Source: Reddit)

Pride Month Marketing Gone Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe They Hired a Renaissance Painter for Those Pics

(Source: Reddit)

The Red Makes The Green Stand Out

(Source: Reddit)

Still Wet

(Source: Reddit)

Technically True

(Source: Reddit)

If You Know You Know

(Source: Reddit)

Let's Play a Game

(Source: Reddit)

This One Looks Suspiciously Stolen

(Source: Reddit)

Et Al. Writes Everything

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: special snowflake, /r/specialsnowflake, /r/dankmemes, reddit, redditors, collections,