
15 Images That Really Need An Explanation

a collection of weird photos from around the world images are of a wombat and a diving suit from the 18th century
a collection of weird photos from around the world images are of a wombat and a diving suit from the 18th century

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

While this planet has a difficult tendency to provide a natural disaster or an awful strand of influenza once in a while, it does have the capacity to offer us magnificent things to enjoy as well. The following inexplicable images are puzzling, but also incredibly cool to look at. Here are 15 of our favorite bizarre photos collected from the subreddit /r/OddlyWeird. P.S., how can we buy a wombat?

A Moth With A Chicken For A Face

(Source: Reddit)

This Beach In Southern Iceland

(Source: Reddit)

The Onagadori Chicken

(Source: Reddit)

An Extremely Emo Bunny

(Source: Reddit)

A Monstrous Cloud

(Source: Reddit)

A Cupboard Straight Out Of Alice in Wonderland

(Source: Reddit)

Black Roses That Grow In Turkey

(Source: Reddit)

This Tree That Came Straight Out Of A Video Game

(Source: Reddit)

The Creepiest Statues To Ever Exist

(Source: Reddit)

The Biggest And Oldest Wombat To Ever Live! We Love You Patrick!

(Source: Reddit)

This Creepy Diving Suit From The 18th Century

(Source: Reddit)

Are They Orchids Or Baby Monkeys?

(Source: Reddit)

A Lightning Storm In Venezuela

(Source: Reddit)

Trees From New Zealand

(Source: Reddit)

The Very First Carrot Astronaut

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/oddlyweird, moths, chicken, new zealand, trees, carrot, astronaut, goth, rabbit, cupboard, black roses, fake leaves, creepy statues, wombats, diving suit, monkeys, orchids, venezuela, lightning, iceland, collections,