15 People Using Their Lockdown For Chaotic Good

Our current world might feel a little upside down, as we brace for yet another day in a global lockdown. Sure, it's been two years, but now that new strains are running rampant, those of us who somehow haven't caught this virus yet are sheltering for indoors. Stay safe out there, and make sure you use your time hiding away from others for a good reason. Not all of us can find a reason to be more positive, but a few of us can, and they're some pretty cool people.
Sometimes, things like this make people feel helpless, but other times, they set them on a journey of trying to better the world in their own way, even if it's not legal. The following stories are collected from the subreddit /r/ChaoticGood and they are all in their own way, completely brave souls. Take a look at some of the best ways people have spent their time in lockdown, finding a silver lining in this awful pandemic.