19 'Star Wars' Memes For Everyone Who Hates 'The Acolyte'

Avoiding reality is easy when you can reminisce on your love and/or hatred towards the Star Wars sequels. But since you've only got a five-minute bathroom break before your boss suspects you're slacking off, memes are a great substitute for watching the movies or getting into an aggressive argument about the sequels with a pre-teen on an online forum that goes on for hours and no one will ever read. That's why we're here.
We'd like to help you make the most of your day by pretending the real world doesn't exist for just a few minutes. Together, we can look at some sequel memes and sort through our many varying opinions on the final Star Wars trilogy to help dissociate from everything happening outside your bathroom stall. Here are 19 of the best sequel memes so you can avoid the start of the work week for a little bit by escaping into one of your favorite franchises.