24 Memes That Share All Our Awkward Habits

Every so often, we stumble upon a meme that hits a little too close to home. These memes serve to capture the sameness in all our lives, the strange things we say or do that everyone else secretly does, too. These memes can help us navigate life's challenges with a touch of humor and understanding. It's as if these memes possess an uncanny ability to expose our innermost thoughts and experiences, even when they're not explicitly about us. There's an unmistakable relatability that can make us think, "Wow, I do that too."
These relatable gems often find themselves on Reddit's /r/meirl, which deserves its popularity. We all see a little bit of ourselves in each of these posts, which keeps us coming back for more to fuel our unhealthy inner monologues. While its memes are a little too relatable sometimes, there are some hidden gems the subreddit has to offer, and it's a lot less expensive than therapy. So here are some of the best funny memes from the community so you don't have to suffer through these things alone.