
25 Absolutely Ridiculous Things That Shouldn't Exist But Do Anyway

Two products from /r/ofcoursethatsathing in the following collection.
Two products from /r/ofcoursethatsathing in the following collection.

Published July 28, 2021

Published July 28, 2021

Have you ever stumbled upon something so ridiculous you wondered why anyone would ever make it in the first place? Well, lots of us have. It's true that people can get away with patenting and selling just about anything nowadays because someone somewhere has thought of the same thing and wondered how on Earth they would ever get one. Luckily for them, these things are now mass-produced and readily available for you to buy and sample, if you really feel the need to do so for some reason. We wouldn't recommend it.

Reddit's /r/ofcoursethatsathing really shouldn't be a thing, but just like all the products and creations it contains, it is. From projects that look like marketed DIY fails to a means of drinking alcohol faster, there are lots of things out there that have no right to exist, but we're kind of thankful they do. They might not be safe, smart or worth spending a single penny on, but they're pretty funny. Here are some of the best.

The Book of a Patron Saint

(Source: Reddit)

When You Have to Drink The Whole Bottle without Taking a Breath

(Source: Reddit)

The Bonding Bathroom

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, I'm Not Surprised

(Source: Reddit)

Leadership Lessons in Star Trek

(Source: Reddit)

Fake Mud Jeans

(Source: Reddit)

Authentic Signed Jesus Photo

(Source: Reddit)

The Horse Grim Reaper

(Source: Reddit)

Flushable Socks

(Source: Reddit)

Ketchup/Mayo Hybrid in a Tube (Be Sure You Don't Mistake This for Toothpaste)

(Source: Reddit)

Forbidden Snack

(Source: Reddit)

Destiny Toaster

(Source: Reddit)

Mr. T(ea) Set

(Source: Reddit)

Chocolate Salami

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Beer Shoe

(Source: Reddit)

I Can Taste the Food Poisoning Already

(Source: Reddit)

When Holding Your Phone Is Just Too Hard

(Source: Reddit)

Dee's Nuts

(Source: Reddit)

Spaceballs Desert Comb

(Source: Reddit)

For "Social Success"

(Source: Reddit)

Inflatable Coffin

(Source: Reddit)

It's Mint Condition

(Source: Reddit)

Diamond and Pearl Mask

(Source: Reddit)

Sumo Centaur

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: of course that's a thing, weird, cursed image, blursed image, blessed image, keanu reeves, diwhy, diy fails, books, capitalism, collections, r/ofcoursethatsathing,