
25 Awful DIY Projects That Weren't Worth The Effort

Two DIY fails
Two DIY fails

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

Have you ever looked at a product in a store and thought to yourself, "I could do that on my own?" A lot of us have, so we've all experimented with DIY projects at one point or another. They're a fun way to create something new, even if they usually don't turn out as expected. DIYers sometimes can be very passionate about DIYing things, and this often is to a fault. Sometimes, they will DIY things that no sane person would ever DIY. From utility repairs that just should have been left to professionals to some truly disturbing ideas someone felt the need to create for no apparent reason, there are a lot of
DIY fails in existence.

Fortunately, while these things might actually be a public safety hazard, they can be pretty funny for the rest of us to observe and "appreciate" from afar. It's unbelievable what sort of things people will come up with given the time, the means and the level of boredom to do so. From weird truck paintings to household objects that really serve no purpose, we don't know why you'd put the effort into creating these. Here are some DIY creations that probably shouldn't have been made.

Yes, It's All One Vehicle

(Source: Reddit)

Nice Wheels

(Source: Reddit)

A Door Turned Into an Unusable Table

(Source: Reddit)

Stay Classy, Etsy

(Source: Reddit)

An "Upgraded" Screen

(Source: Reddit)

The DIY Way to Ruin Ice Cream

(Source: Reddit)

This Time the Truck's in a City Scene on the Truck

(Source: Reddit)

Coin Toilet Seat

(Source: Reddit)

If It Works, It Works

(Source: Reddit)

Easy Fix

(Source: Reddit)

No Thanks

(Source: Reddit)

Found During An Apartment Tour

(Source: Reddit)

Chest Hair Pillow for Girlfriend

(Source: Reddit)

Dad's Razor

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Personalized Roaches

(Source: Reddit)

Cars on Cars

(Source: Reddit)

Light Switch

(Source: Reddit)

Shower Mod

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

How Much Do You Love Your Truck?

(Source: Reddit)

A Watermelon Boat

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Like a Giant Blood Stain

(Source: Reddit)

Something Doesn't Check Out

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: diy, diwhy, diy fails, weird, atbge, thanks i hate it, collections,