
25 History Memes Full Of Wisdom And Whimsy

Two history memes from Reddit's /r/historymemes.
Two history memes from Reddit's /r/historymemes.

Published November 11, 2023

Published November 11, 2023

Everything has already happened, and everything will happen again. Studying history tells you this fact. People today are just as strange, passionate, cruel, funny and troubled as they ever were. Running your hand along an old stone wall or walking an ancient battlefield may inspire lofty thoughts, but the people of history were just as frequently bored and sleepy as we are. Not everything was terribly serious, and not everything that we now call important felt important at the time. And sometimes, things were just hilarious.

History is full of whimsy and humor. Our telling of history can be as well. When historical knowledge is transmitted through history memes, the humorous and prosaic elements of historical experience become more legible. These memes, gathered from Reddit's /r/historymemes, share the knowledge of history with a broad audience and do so with a smile.

Byzantine Soy

(Source: Reddit)

The Kind Of King To Be

(Source: Reddit)

Ramses Vibes

(Source: Reddit)

Hot Take

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Average Research Interests

(Source: Reddit)

Average British Empire Stuff

(Source: Reddit)

Silly Guys

(Source: Reddit)

So True

(Source: Reddit)

Renaissance Vibes

(Source: Reddit)

Imperial Flags

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Responsible Policy?

(Source: Reddit)

Mark Antony

(Source: Reddit)

Tragic Family

(Source: Reddit)

It Wasn't Aliens

(Source: Reddit)

Spain 1918

(Source: Reddit)

Ottoman Habsburg Relationship

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

War Is Not The Answer

(Source: Reddit)

A Ballad

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Court Alchemist Approved

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: history, memes, reddit,

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